S2 makes another female hero who only has her good looks going for her in her concept art. Oh yeah, and glowing gems.
Another Female Hero for Heroes of Newerth, another disappointment. True, at least this time it’s not straight up tittilation, I mean, she does wear pants at least…
Is it sad that one considers this an improvement?
Unfortunately either S2 didn’t listen, or they completely missed the point that several people raised. So I’m going to say it again, in the hopes that perhaps it will get through to someone (fat chance, I know).
Dear S2, the problem is not just that most of your females characters are little more than male tittilation, the problem is that apparently for you concept designers, a female cannot be an interesting character unless she is sexually appealing to a horny teenage male audience. Whereas your male heroes are kickass in their own right, whether they are human-looking or disgusting monstrocities, the overwhelming majority of your female characters, are presented as sexual fantasies.
Creativity in female design does not start and end with how much suggestive skin you’re showing. Start being as creative in your female characters as you are with males. As much as you don’t feel the need to make all your male characters show bare chests and wear strip thongs, so you shouldn’t feel the need to make all your females wear chainmail bikinis, have a supermodel’s looks, or have porn-star boobs.
tl;dr: More Wretched Hag and less Empath plz. kthxbai

These Boots.. oO
Heh, yeah, the artist is not that good at grasping female proportions 🙂
Hell, these supposed sexy women never did much for me even as a teen. Though it may have been because of what my dad taught me at an early age. We went to a motorcycle show and this one company had the pinup girls hanging all over the bike. He told me that if there was one lesson in life it would be that if the company is trying to get you to come over with "eye candy" then their product is probably worth shit. I was about 9 or 10 years old at the time. Best advice ever and hasn't steered me wrong.
Just an aside… Has anyone ever actually posed like that in reality? Because damn, balancing in "sexy aggressive" pose is nearly impossible.
Heh, yeah, In gaming art, females striking unwieldly poses just so that boobs and ladybits are thrusted out to the viewer at the same time is quite common.