State of the AI Horde – July 2023

It’s high time I wrote one more of these posts to keep everyone up to date. It’s been generally a fairly slow month as far as the Horde is concerned. That’s not tot to mean that we produced less content, but rather that there hasn’t been a lot of progress on features as all the developers appear to have been busy with other projects a lot.

(In case you’re new here and do not know what is the AI Horde: It is a crowdsourced free/libre software Open API which connects Generative AI clients to volunteer workers which provide the inference.)

LoRas in the mix

Since the last State of the AI Horde, we saw the introduction of LoRas into payloads allowing everyone access to all LoRas in CivitAI at the click of a button. I have likewise been recording the amount of times a lora is being used, storing it by its CivitAI ID. Below you can see the top25 LoRas used since we started recording them. You can check which one it is by adding the number to this URL<LORA ID>. Using this method we can see that the Add More Details LoRa is clearly one of the most valuable one following closely by Details Tweaker. People do love adding more details!

All in all, a total 801.326 LoRas have been recorded being used successfully in the AI Horde!

 lora  |     count 
 82098 |     46095
 58390 |     36222
 48139 |     18042
 60724 |     16980
 13941 |      9245
 32827 |      9191
 87245 |      9083
 43814 |      8999
 12820 |      8148
 28742 |      8009
 9652  |      7960
 82946 |      7922
 25995 |      7671
 28511 |      7225
 87080 |      5966
 16928 |      5950
 6693  |      5431
 24583 |      5121
 48299 |      4905
 42214 |      4838
 63278 |      4821
 9025  |      4105
 9651  |      3828
 10816 |      3786
 37006 |      3759

Image Generation Stats

In image news, our usage remains fairly stable, which is fairly impressive if one considers just how much extra slowdown is added by all these LoRa. We are stable at ~300K images generated per day and ~1M images per month. Worth noting that since it started the AI Horde has generated close to 1 whole PETApixestep for free and ~70 million images!

On the model side, Deliberate solidifies itself furher as the best generalist model, while Stable Diffusion drops down to 3rd place as the Anime takes the 2nd spot. Our own special Kiwi, ResidenChief’s model seems to have been a massive success as well, coming out of nowhere to grab a solid 4th place. And this time the Furries are also in forth, capturing the 6th position! Pretty cool stuff!

  1. Deliberate 31.6% (3127771)
  2. Anything Diffusion 11.4% (1133058)
  3. stable_diffusion 9.6% (951705)
  4. ICBINP – I Can’t Believe It’s Not Photography 6.7% (662205)
  5. Dreamshaper 5.6% (550335)
  6. BB95 Furry Mix 3.7% (370853)
  7. Hentai Diffusion 3.1% (303351)
  8. Counterfeit 2.6% (254197)
  9. ChilloutMix 1.9% (186525)
  10. Pretty 2.5D 1.8% (178713)

Text Generation Stats

On the text side, not much has changed since May, with out generation staying similat at ~3M requests fulfilled and 377 Megatokens.

Likewise on the model top 10 Pygmalion 6B is still leading the pack with Mr. Seeker’s Erebus and Nerybus still in heavy use.

  1. PygmalionAI/pygmalion-6b 36.4% (1118193)
  2. KoboldAI/OPT-13B-Erebus 9.2% (284531)
  3. KoboldAI/OPT-13B-Nerybus-Mix 6.4% (197689)
  4. Pygmalion-7b-4bit-GPTQ-Safetensors 4.8% (148631)
  5. VicUnlocked-alpaca-65b-4bit 3.8% (116034)
  6. chronos-hermes-13B-GPTQ 3.4% (105727)
  7. KoboldAI/OPT-30B-Erebus 3.2% (99782)
  8. manticore-13b-chat-pyg-GPTQ 2.7% (82276)
  9. 13B-HyperMantis/GPTQ_4bit-128g 2.3% (69403)
  10. asmodeus 2.0% (61863)

Hordelib is back!

A month ago, I mentioned that hlky sent a bogus DMCA against hordelib which we fought against. I am glad to announce that this process finally completed and the hordelib is once again visible in Github and all contributions by hlky have been purged. I honestly hope that’s the last I’ll hear about this person…

Lemmy and Reddit

The main reason for being otherwise busy is that I’ve been furiously transferring my Reddit presence to my own self-hosted Lemmy instance, because Reddit is speed-running enshittification. I won’t bore you with the details but you can read up some of my work and see some of my development in the relevant blog tag.

However I do want to say that the instance I’ve fired up, the Divisions by zero has been more successful than I ever could have imagined! With ~10K users registered and thousands of subscribers to the communities, and some of the best admin team I could hope for.

Unfortunately there’s also been reddit drama which has been mightily distracting to me, but things are slowly settling down and I am putting my reddit days well behind me.

In relevance to the AI Horde however, we do have some cool communities you should subscribe to

I am likewise already planning more events and automation to more closely tie the AI Horde into the Lemmy instance for cool art stuff! Stay tuned and/or throw me your ideas!

Prompt Challenges

R from our mod team has started running some cool prompt challenges in the discord server which you are all more than welcome to join! Winner gets a nice bundle of kudos, not to mention the amount you get by simply posting. It’s just fun all around, and the winners are featured in the Lemmy communities as well!

Worker Updates

Tazlin has been hard at work improving the AI Horde Worker with bugfixes (not to menton the huge amounts of tech support given in discord). The AI Horde Worker as a result has become much much more stable which should have a good impact on your kudos-per-hour! Just a quick shout-out to an invaluable collaborator!

A Lot more workers

I don’t know how it’s happening but the AI Horde is nearing 100 dreamers! I am getting the fireworks ready for the first time we hit this threshold!

Funding and Support

My current infrastructure has been sufficiently stable since the last migration to a dedicated host which I think you have experienced with the low amount of downtimes and interruptions since.

This is my usual opportunity to point out that running, improving and maintaining the the AI Horde is basically a full-time job for me so please if you see the open commons potential of this service, consider subscribing as my patron where I reward people with monthly priority for their support.

If you prefer, you can instead sponsor me on github.

Final Word

While development slowed significantly in June, we’re still doing significant work for the open commons. I have just not had the mental capacity to build up hype as much as I used to, and to make it worse, the social media landscape is completely in the air at the moment.

I am really hoping more people can step up and help promote the AI Horde and what it represents as my workload is just through the roof and to be perfectly honest, I am at the limit of my “plate-spinning” capabilities.

Please talk about the AI Horde and the tools in its ecosystem. The more people who know about it, the more valuable it becomes for the benefit of everyone!

We have plenty of ways one can help and we shower with kudos everyone doing so. From people sharing images and helping others in the community, to developers bug-fixing my terrible code, to community managers on discord and admins on lemmy. If you want to help out, let us know!

Fediseer Streamlining

Just one day ago I released my initial release of the Overseer and I was annoyed by the implementation almost immediately. The requirement to register on another Lemmy instance using a custom username and wait for manual approval (which could also lead to someone sniping that username, and forcing me to manually delete it), and THEN register your instance on the Overseer was just too clunky.

While a few people did register, I realized almost immediately it’s very likely this would never take off. So I started rethinking how I could streamline this process so that it would require far less steps.

My initial plan was to simply register all available instances on the fediverse by default, and allow admins to claim them later. That would require me somehow being able to contact those admins directly. This led me to try to figure out the best way to do that where I discovered I could theoretically talk to any fediverse instance directly, and not have to rely on the a specific lemmy instance with all its limitations.

So I spent many many hours figuring out how to do that. The documentation is frustratingly sparse and incomplete on this point, with my best guide was this blogpost, from half a decade ago for a different language than python. Fortunately this day and age, I had access to ChatGPT, so I could ask it to translate the code on that page to python and then with some trial and error and digging in the official documentation, I had a working DM system for mastodon!

Then I set out to do the same for lemmy which is where the big frustration was waiting, as the documentation is practically non-existent, the messages are cryptic and Rust and the way it’s coded was completely impenetrable to me. Lots and lots of digging in the code, trial and error and asking around in desperation, and I managed to figure out that the main blocking point was a “type” key in my activitypub instance, instead of a fault in my payload.

Unfortunately figuring out how to “speak activitypub” took me the better part of my day. But the good news is that once I had that down, the rest was just a matter of time. I just had to refactor everything. And hell, while I am doing that, why not change the name and domain as well

And that’s how is born!

I have already updated my previous post with the new workflow, but the big difference is that it completely removes the need for an extra lemmy instance one has to manually register. Instead one just has to “claim” their instance and they will get a PM directly in their mailbox!

Likewise, you can guarantee for a different instance even if their admins haven’t claimed it first and they will get a helpful PM informing them about it. If the instance doesn’t exist yet, all you need to do is search for it in the whitelist and it will be automatically added, and then can be guaranteed. My next step is to automatically import all known instances by pulling them from the federation, which should avoid the manual step of searching for them first.

So let’s see how it goes. Now with the ability to talk to fediverse instances directly, it also opens up some really fascinating doors for automation! Stay tuned!

Reddit worked despite reddit.

I visit Reddit all the time. And I visited Digg before that. In fact I was hooked to this mode of operation since Digg. Suffice to say, something about link aggregation tickles my ADHD brain just right.

However with the recent blackout of a big part of reddit, I decided to start my own Lemmy instance and use Lemmy primarily instead through it. Since I’ve started this experiment, I feel any urge to visit Reddit for my “fix” less and less. I have some thoughts about that.

In Twitter Vs Mastodon AKA “micro-blogging”, The value was in the specific people one followed which made it way harder to switch services because one was help back by other people. I.e. the people kept each other locked-in. Similar to how Facebook keeps everyone locked-in their walled garden because it’s the only social media their parents and grandparents managed to learn to use.

In Reddit however, the value is all about the specific forums, or “subreddits”, in lingo. The specific people one was talking to, never really mattered. What was important was the overall engagement general sense of shared-interest. This has always been the core strength of Reddit, and its early pioneers like Aaron Schwartz understood that.

This is why the minimalist reddit of old, managed to dethrone Digg when the latter decided that its core principles wasn’t user-curated content, but linkspam. The people who migrated into Reddit made what it is today, by creating and nurturing their communities over years.

Any beneficial actions by reddit itself have been either following what the community was already doing (such as adding CSS options or on-boarding the automoderator bot), or forced by bad optics, such as when they were forced to finally ban /r/coontown, /r/fatpeoplehate, /r/jailbait (which their current CEO moderated btw) etc.

The community and the people who run the subreddits have always had to make the minimalist options allowed to them work. They had to develop their own tools and enhancements, such as RES, and Moderator Toolbox, while Reddit couldn’t even provide much requested functionality to counter the known abuses of cross-subreddit raiding.

Instead, Reddit focused on adding useless features nobody asked for like NFT. On the usability, the new look was their push to take the site more towards generic social media network, with friends, follows, awards and avatars, and instead of focusing on their core product: Link aggregation and discussions.

In fact, any action they took, was laser focused on social-media lock-in and extracting wealth and adding features which people didn’t care for, which is why most third party apps simply ignored all that stuff.

Through all this, their valuable communities kept fighting against reddit management’s pushes so that they could do what was right, even if some lost that fight, like /r/AMA which became but a shadow of its former self when the cowardly owners fired their low-level employee leading its success, and scapegoated their then female CEO for it.

Eventually though something had to give, and reddit seems to have realized that their users are too stubborn to simply accept the new paradigm they designed for them where they watch more ads, buy more reddit gold and get addicted to NFTs. And 3rd party apps enabled users to use the valuable part of reddit and skip the enshittification all too easily.

So they had to go. And here we are.

Unfortunately for reddit, since the core value of reddit has always been the links, and the discussions around said links, instead of specific people and a social network around them, it is stunningly easy to jump ship. It doesn’t take a lot to keep a community going on Lemmy instead of Reddit. All it needs is a handful of dedicated people to keep finding and posting links, and the discussions and memes will easily follow.

I don’t need to know that I know the links are coming from Gallowboob, in fact, I never cared who posted the links or started the discussions. Reddit has had the “friends” feature for close to a decade now, and I have “friended” less than a handful of people. There’s literally nothing holding me and most people back except our existing routines.

There is of course still a lot of momentum in reddit communities, and a lot of mods who really don’t want to lose their status. Nevertheless, I’m finding I’m not actually missing much by staying exclusively on lemmy atm and I see a lot of people are realizing the same thing increasingly fast. The finality of the loss of major apps like Apollo, RIF and Sync has already been the final nail for a lot of people.

This exodus might already be unstoppable unless reddit completely capitulates and goes back on their API plans. But I don’t hold my breath on this.

Feel free to come and hang out at the Divisions by zero lemmy instance btw. We’ll do fun things!

Client and Bot Updates

Lucid Creations

Lucid Creations has gotten a few more updates, with the most recent being the ability to load your generation settings from a previous generation you have saved. Plus a few other quality of life fixes

More Styles

The AI Horde stylelist has received Lora support and about 40 new ones have been added using the awesome work by konyconi. Likewise a new category called “stylepunks” has been added which will generate using random styles from those new ones.

Mastodon & Reddit Bots

The Mastodon and Reddit bots have been updated to support LoRa styles

Discord Bot

The official AI Horde discord bot has also been updated by ZeldaFan to support the new LoRa styles, but no categories support yet. Hopefully soon.

Other Clients

A ton of other clients are receiving flood of updates. Particularly ArtBot and aislingeach are both seeing very rapid development. Remember to check their individual discord channels if you haven’t checked them out yet

Hordelib repo is temporarily down due to DMCA

As I mentioned last time, we received a DMCA take-down for a couple of missing attributions on AGPL3 files. We have since added those back, but as is the case with DMCAs, once you start them, they don’t stop on their own.

We had already send a counter-notice, but unfortunately not fast enough. The Hordelib repo has now been hidden from the world. You can read the whole bogus DMCA requesting it here.

I remind that hlky had made no attempt to request those attributions informally, just went straight to DMCA, which tracks since this person is always acting in bad faith. It just in this case it’s a convenient way to attack the AI Horde project once more.

This is a minor inconvenience, as the hordelib is still available in pypi, but annoying nonetheless.

Hopefully we’ll be back soon enough, and until then we’ll just re-host elsewhere for a while.

The AI Horde now seamlessly provides all CivitAI LoRas

Demand for AI Horde to support LoRas was high ever since they were discovered and unleashed into the Stable Diffusion ecosystem. About 2 months ago we were really close to releasing support for them but alas “stuff happened” which culminated in us having to completely rewrite out inference backend.

Fortunately, ComfyUI already supported LoRas, so once we switched to using it as our inference library, we just needed to hook into its LoRa capabilities. Myself along with the extremely skilled hordelib devs, Jug and Tazlin have been working constantly on this for the past half a month or so and today I’m proud to announce that the Lora capability has been released to all AI Horde Workers!

You might have seen earlier that some Client like Artbot, the Krita plugin and Lucid Creations were already supported LoRas. This was however only using the few beta testing workers we had. Now those clients will start seeing a lot more speed as worker with the power to do so start running them.

This also signifies our tightest integration with CivitAI yet! We we were already utilizing them, but mostly to just pull stable diffusion checkpoint files. The LoRa integration however goes far far further than that, using them as an integral part of our discovery and control process.

Through the very useful REST API provided by CivitAI, we have developed a method where we can discover, download and utilize any LoRa that is hosted there. No more do you need to search, validate compatibility, download etc. The AI Horde and its Worker will handle that automatically!

To showcase this point, I’ve made a small video showing off this capability in Lucid Creations which I’ve tightly integrated into CivitAI, so that it can look for any LoRa based on ID or partial name, display all relevant information and even warns you of compatibility issues.

Sorry about the sound quality. I don’t have a professional streamer setup, just a shitty webcam 😀

I’ve put a lot of effort into making finding and using LoRas as painless as possible, because there’s literally dozens of thousands of the things. Manually searching through the website and copy-pasting IDs is just a complete PITA. Never mind downloading and trying them out one-by-one.

Through the AI Horde, you can simply type the partial name of what you want, and keep mix and matching them until you achieve the desired outcome! Changing and trying new LoRas now takes literally a few seconds!

Also many kudos to the CivitAI devs which quickly implemented one request I put through to make this even easier and faster for everyone.

As this has just been released, currently only a few UIs support this. Lucid Creations which has full discovery, and ArtBot which requires you to know the ID. The Krita plugin is also supporting them. I expect the other UIs to soon follow in the coming days.

Hopefully this is another step in unleashing your creativity, without requiring a powerful GPU of your own!

Stay tuned for the next update adding access to all Textual Inversions as well.

Lucid Creations is the first client to support LoRa on the AI Horde!

I don’t have time to keep Lucid Creations well updated but sometimes I just need to show others how it’s done!

So I managed to the first UI to support LoRa on the AI Horde!

In case you don’t know what LoRa are, the short version is nothing less than a breakthrough in Generative AI technology, by allowing to condense the time and power a training (or “fine-tuning”) needs!

This kind of breakthrough, along with the achievements done by new models such Stable Diffusion and Llama is what is causing the big tech companies to scramble, to the point that OpenAI had to run to the government to ask them to regulate future breakthroughs (but please, please don’t regulate what they’re currently doing, OK?)

But I digress. I haven’t yet officially announced LoRa support on the AI Horde yet, as we’re still trying to squash all bugs on the workers, but I hope the addition to Lucid Creations will help other integrators see how it can be done

AI Horde’s AGPL3 hordelib receives DMCA take-down from hlky

I have tried to avoid writing about hlky drama for the sake of the AI Horde ecosystem. I don’t want to delve into negative situations and I was hoping by ignoring this person our community can focus on constructive matters in improving the Open Source Generative AI tools.

However recent developments have forced my hand, and I feel I need to write and inform the larger community about this. I will attempt to stick to the facts.

The AI Horde Worker includes a customized library: hordelib.This library is completely based on ComfyUI.

Yesterday we were forwarded 2 DMCA take-down requests from GitHub originating from hlky requesting to take down hordelib because of claims against a couple of files I ported from the previous library I was co-authoring with hlky, nataili.

Nataili was developed as AGPL3 from the start. This is the main reason I chose it as the backend to the AI Horde Worker instead of using a bigger player like Automatic1111 WebUI (which, back then, did not have a license.)

Unfortunately a big reason we abandoned nataili, is because hlky attempted to sabotage the AI Horde ecosystem and demanded that we stop using the nataili free software source library, going against everything the Open Source movement stands for. There is more drama pertaining to this behind the scenes, but as I said, I want to stick to the public facts in this post.

Nevertheless, eventually we couldn’t maintain nataili so we decided to create hordelib instead which would also insulate us from hlky. However some critical components we needed for supporting our image alchemy and anti-CSAM capabilities were not available natively in comfyUI, so I ported over the necessary files from nataili for those purposes. Remember, these are files licensed under the AGPL3, so this is completely and irrevocably allowed.

In the process I stripped out the explicit license mention in those files, because our whole repository is licensed under AGPL3, and it goes against our style to add unnecessary licenses to each file. As far as I understood, this was allowed by the license terms.

The DMCA take-down claims that removing those copyright and license strings from those files is a sufficient reason to request the whole repository to be taken down!

I have since attempted to get some clarify on this issue on my own. The only relevant part from the license I can see is this

Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:

b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed by works containing it; or

AGPL3 License

And I mean, fair enough, this seems clear enough, but I need to point out that the original licenses put in those files by hlky did not require preservation of author attributions!

Nevertheless in the interest of expediency and in the spirit of open source I have since re-added the attributions to those files.

Unfortunately, once you send official DMCA notices, things start becoming serious and you never know which way the dice roll will go on this. I feel we have a pretty clear-cut case that we did nothing wrong here and certainly nothing that would require a whole FOSS library to be taken down!

I have sent a counterclaim to GitHub in an attempt to ensure they don’t take any take-down steps.

However, given the numerous bad faith acts by hlky to this day, the most prudent option would be to excise these files completely. I would rather not have any mention or contribution of this person in our library, as they go against everything the Free Software movement stands for!

If you have the skills to contribute an alternative code for a clip and blip interrogation modules, please contact me ASAP!

Likewise if you have any advice you can give on this issue I’d appreciate it.

The AI Horde Aesthetic and Artifacts Rating now on HuggingFace

While the gathering of aesthetic images never slowed down, the resulting dataset was only ever available from an specific url in the ratings API, making it fairly difficult to discover. To be honest, I was expecting by now, at least some models and other applications would have come out.

To help researchers and other interested parties discover this easier, I decided to upload the dataset file into huggingface. You can find it now here:

The benefit of this location is I can now also provide a README file along with it, explaining the columns in the parquet file, and providing other useful info, such as a huggingface demo.

Epic AI Horde Documentation Update

Today I start by wanting to do some work around the upcoming LoRas functionality for the AI Horde, however I first wanted to update my AI Horde README a bit, as it was still referring things like the KoboldAI Horde (which has been merged into the AI Horde since a while now).

As I was finishing it, I noticed that the written FAQ had also grown a bit stale, and there’s a few new points I feel I need to make absolutely clear, such as kudos sales being forbidden, or how the kudos calculation being handled by a new NN model etc.

It quickly dawned on me however that there’s a ton of Horde terminology I’m using in the FAQ, which someone might not understand. Now we have Dreamers, Scribes and Alchemists, Workers and Bridges, Integrations, Frontends, Plugins and Bots etc. Quite a few things for someone unfamiliar

So I decided to try writing some cross-referenced terminology in the context of the AI Horde, but the more I kept writing, the more terms I realized I needed to define as well. And once I started pulling on this thread…well, let’s just say, that I spend a bit more time than I planned on documentation today and now the Terminology wiki page is available which is extensively cross-referenced inside itself, and to Wikipedia as needed.

I honestly had to forcefully stop myself on expanding it, because I kept thinking of more things to define. So if you’re the kind of person who likes doing this sort of thing as well, feel free to improve further!