I’ve been using intense debate for the longest time, being a very active proponent of their comment system, hell, even getting a gift T-shirt for my efforts; but now I find myself having to disable the comment system and go back to the default wordpress comments.
The reason for this is that for some reason their comment system has somehow been compromised by spammers, and blatantly obvious spam comments are coming in constantly, and that is even though they are supposed to be going through Akismet which is excellent at catching this kind of stuff.
I didn’t take this decision lightly, I contacted support who initially thought comments were coming through the internal comments, but once I pointed to evidence that it is coming through ID, they said they were going to “look into it” and that I should fight spammer with IP bans, which is a ridiculous idea.
In fact, another reason why I’m ditching ID is that they have completely dropped the community ball. I have no idea what is up, but I got all excited when they got acquired by Automattic, and was expecting to see ID comments start to get rolled out in WordPress.com and stuff which would have been awesome. Instead the ID people literally fell of the map. Their active blog pretty much died, making 1 post in a year, their support either doesn’t reply, or gives worthless suggestions like IP bans on spammers. And most importantly, their development all but stopped. I haven’t seen any improvements in ID every since the automattic acquisition and that’s just sad.
I was content to stick with ID anyway since it’s better than my theme’s built-in ones, but now that it has also become quite a lot of work to scrub my comments every few days, enough is enough!
Perhaps it’s time to look into Disqus whose developers seem to be actually interested in improving and making useful.

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Hi, looks like you wound up going to Disqus! I’ve been using Facebook comments which I do think have some real advantages, but also seem to annoy some users, so I’m thinking of moving. Intense Debate looks so cool I’d really like to try it. Unfortunately, as you say, they seem to have fallen off the map.
Sometimes companies are acquired to use their technology. Sometimes companies are acquired to kill their technology. Of course we’d just be guessing wildly, but do you think Automattic bought ID not to use it, but to bury it?
Anyway it’s a shame, I’m just trying ID out now and I do love the system. Weirdly though I have 1 user who can’t post a comment to ID even though she tries to login from several different browsers. Oh well, maybe Disqus. Maybe Jetpack. TY!
I really don’t know what is wrong with them, or why Automattic just didn’t do anything with them. I don’t think they just wanted to kill them since there’s already other competitors out there who do the same thing, so it wouldn’t achieve much, not to mention I can’t really see what they would have to gain burying them.
thanks db0. I’ve been poking around. From what I read, Automattic didn’t exactly want to kill ID, but they wanted to buy the people to send them to other “more pressing” projects. So from what I read on WP Tavern there is — as you and I already noticed — nobody home at ID.
It doesn’t seem like there’s a clear winner. I wanted FB comments for their social reach, but I’m getting a bit of resistance from users. Also, weirdly, it’s hard to have peeps notified that their post got an FB comment!
I love the ID recent comments sidebar widget, I think that’d really help promote discussion, but I guess ID is a non-starter.
Disqus does seem pretty good, but then a bunch of peeps complain that you’re giving all your comments over to a proprietary system for nothing more than a bit of formatting.
The native WP comments are fine. But maybe just a bit clunky. Disqus does seem a bit slicker. I’m not sure I can actually tell the difference between Jetpack comments and plain WP Core Comments.
YOU’RE HAPPY with Disqus then? TY! 😀
Yeah, Disqus is pretty good and I need that extra formatting because my current theme does not support nested comments which are really useful. Other than that, it’s just an easy system that support a lot of accounts so it makes it more comfortable to leave comments. Honestly though I would have stayed with ID even if it isn’t developed much, as long as it hadn’t become such a spam haven.
OH, PS: one thing I’ve gotta say for FB comments – Zero Spam! Aksimet good, FB even better!
Wow. I had no idea ID had that many problems.
Ammex I-Support