My first audience query to find what you like about the Division by Zer0, what you want to read more about and what you want me to get rid of.
- Image by frozenminds via Flickr
Old time readers of the Division by Zer0 (heh, riiight…) might have noticed that the site as of late has been more and more exploring subjects related to Socialism and Capitalism from various perspectives. This isn’t really a surprise as this blog has always been quite personal and the subject matter tends to follow whatever draws my interest at any point in time.
This being a personal blog (or at least that’s what I keep saying to myself) I’ve been quite surprised that I’ve managed to exceed a hundred subscribers. I assume that this is mostly because I’ve stopped writing about “boring” real life stuff so much and have a taken a more philosophical blogging style.
I can’t say that I’m not glad that at least a hundred people consider me interesting enough to follow and this is why I’ve been wondering what exactly it is that keeps you coming back. I think its impossible that there are so many of you with exactly the same interests as me so it’s certain that I often write about things you do not care about. Thus I think there’s no better way to discover what’s going on, than to ask you directly.
What do you like and/or dislike about the Division by Zer0?
At the moment I have quite a few subjects I’m (fairly) often blogging about but I think that the ones I’m most often visit are Socialism and Criticisms of Capitalism, Free Software, Blogging, Philosophy (mostly from my own (I hope) unique perspective but some social subjects thrown in as well), Project work and finally the occasional personal stuff.
Out of these, are you returning for anything specific or do you enjoy that I switch between them often? Is there any in particular topic you don’t care to read about? Any that you prefer? Why? I like to delude myself that some people find me interesting because I’m fresh and unique compared to the rest of the atheosphere so feel free to rain on my parade.
But what about other things? Is there anything non-topic related that you (dis)like? My writing style? My dull wit? My Greek Geek perspective? My luxurious long hair? The speed of the site (Hah!)?
So yeah, I’m curious and I hope you will take a bit to let me know. I’d mostly appreciate comments if you can spare the time but in case your busy schedule prohibits it, I’ve setup a poll to allow you to give a hint quickly (note that you can select up to two choices)
[poll id=”5″]
But I’d really much rather hear what you have to say instead.
Oh, and happy new year as well 😉
Okay, now excuse my ignorance but how do you do the poll thingy?
Are you asking how to vote or how to set it up on your own blog?
Yeah sorry about my cryptic question. I was wondering how you install it. Just expected you to read my mind 🙂
It's a plugin: WP-Polls
Thankyou and Happy New year as well
I'm always interested in whatever you happen to put up.
I don't like the idea that a blog should be focused on one thing, that tends to make it so all your readers only agree on one subject and there's no diversity in your posts or discussions. I find myself much more interested in more personal blogs that deal with personal opinions on a wide range of subjects.
Thanks for taking the time to write Yvette.
DB0, I just want you to know I'm a huge fan of yours. I never comment because the only time (generally) I have to read your stuff is through a RSS feeder at work. It won't allow me access to your actual site to comment, so I have to wait until I get home to comment. (If I have the attention span to remember.)
Anyway, since you're asking for input, here it goes:
I thoroughly enjoy your (and Barefoot Bum's) exploration of communism/socialism. I think you are both wrong (maybe one day I'll take the time to explain it point for point) but I truly enjoy reading your opinions of it. Do I think capitalism is a system based on exploitation? Sure. Do I think communism is a better option? Not really. Do realize I sound like Donald Rumsfeld popping off rhetorical question after rhetorical question? Of course I do.
I do miss some of your other stuff. Some things I miss, explicitly, are some of the shorter I-haven't-thought-this-out-fully-but-its-on-my-mind types of posts. Give your readers something to think about, then come back and visit it. Maybe we'll end up in the same place you do, maybe we won't. Luckily we have a kickass comment system for debate 🙂
Thanks m8. Glad to know I have a huge fan 🙂 I didn't really realize how popular my socialist musing are but they actually seem to be the most popular. Intruiging.
Are you perchance using google reader?
Are you perchance using google reader through firefox?
Nope, at work I use Google Reader through IE7 at work. Google Reader through Firefox at home, though.
Well, if you can use firefox at work, then you'll be able to comment through Google Reader with this plugin 😉