The innovative physics game World of Goo was finally released for GNU/Linux and it managed to outsell the previous best selling day, via the developer’s website by 40%!
- Image by laurenipsum via Flickr
I just noticed a small update on the 2D Boy’s announcement of the GNU/Linux version for World of Goo.
Update 4: It’s only been 2 days since the release of the Linux version and it already accounts for 4.6% of the full downloads from our website. Our thanks to everyone who’s playing the game on Linux and spreading the word. Here are a couple of nifty stats:
- About 12% of Linux downloads are of the .rpm package, 30% are of the .tar.gz package, and 57% are of the .deb package.
- More copies of the game were sold via our website on the day the Linux version released than any other day. This day beat the previous record by 40%. There is a market for Linux games after all 🙂
(Emphasis mine)
This is the kind of update that deserves its own blogpost just to make this heard. It is excellent news and I believe sends out quite a strong message to anyone who is paying attention.
As it’s difficult to repost the same URL to social news sites, I’m making this new post just to raise attention to this factoid.
I’m quite excited to see how much of the total pie the GNU/Linux versions will grab. We have already passed an amazing threshold where 1% of the OS market (or so we’re told) has managed to buy the game almost 5 times as much. Here’s to reaching 10% and beyond.
I hate to say this, buy you're screwing your facts up. The statistics are of sales *on the Goo site*. While Linux has grabbed a good chunk of sales on there, that's the only place the Linux version is being sold. On other platforms, many gamers bought off of Steam or picked up a box package. The overall size of Linux's buy-in isn't (so far) that amazing.
Other than the title of the post, in which I excluded this part for brevity, I do not see how I'm screwing up my facts as I've provided the info of the developer word-by-word. Certainly the overall size of the GNU/Linux purchases is smaller but this does not make the numbers less impressive imho.
I love the game but i would never have bought it if it wasnt for Linux and avaliable online. I dont want any shrink-wrap applications, i want to be able to pay and install the same instant. I think a big key is to make the stuff avaliable online when you want Linux people to buy it.
The game itself is awesome fun =)
agree with dodemoii… your choice to exclude certain facts for brevity makes your headline a lie. Compare the total sales over steam any of the days the weekend they were selling it for $5 and you'll see bigger numbers than they had selling it from their website on Linux launch day. Sorry.
Sorry for what? You're comparing totally irrelevant facts. Everyone knows that you sell more when the price is dropped to 1/3. It's like you pointing out that if they gave it away for free they would get more people. So what? It doesn't change the fact that on the day the GNU/linux version was released they sold more through their website than any other day.