The AI Horde now seamlessly provides all CivitAI Textual Inversions

Almost immediately after the AI Horde received LoRa support, people started clamoring for Textual Inversions which is one of the earliest techniques to fine-tune Stable Diffusion outputs.

While I was planning to re-use much of the code that had to do with the automatic downloading of LoRas, this quickly run into unexpected problems in the form of pickles.


In the language of python, pickles is effectively objects in memory stored into disk as they are. The problem with them is, that they’re terribly insecure. Anything stored into the pickle will be executed as soon as you load it back into RAM, which is a problem when you get a file from a stranger. There is a solution for that, safetensors, which ensure that only the data is loaded and nothing harmful.

However, while most LoRas are a recent development and were released as safetensors from the start, textual inversions (TIs) were developed much earlier, and most of them are still out there as pickles.

This caused a big problem for us, as we wanted to blanket support all TIs from CivitAI, but that opened the gate for someone to upload a malicious TI to CivitAI and then request it themselves through the horde and pwn all our workers in one stroke! Even though technically CivitAI scans uploaded pickles, automated scans are never perfect. All it would take is someone to discover one way to sneak by an exploit through these scans. The risk was way to high for our tastes.

But if I were to allow only safetensors, only a small minority of TIs would be available, making the feature worthless to develop. The most popular TIs were all still as pickles.

So that meant I had to find a way to automatically convert pickles into safetensors before the worker could use them. I couldn’t do it on the worker side, as the pickle has to be loaded first. We had to do it in a secure location of some sort. So I built a whole new microservice: the AI Hordeling.

All the Hordeling does is provide a REST API where a worker can send a CivitAI ID to download, and the Hordeling will check if it’s a safetensor or not, and if not, download it, convert it to safetensor and then give a download link to the safetensor to the worker.

This means that if someone were to get through the CivitAI scans, all they would be able to exploit is the Hordeling itself which is not connected to the AI Horde in any way and can be rebuilt from scratch very easily. Likewise, the worker ensure that they will only download safetensor files which ensure they can’t be exploited.

All this to say, it’s been, a lot more work than expected to set up Textual Inversions on the horde! But I did it!

So I’m excited to announce that All textual inversions on CivitAI are now available through the AI Horde!

The way to use them is the very similar to LoRa. You have to specify the ID or a unique part of its name so that the worker can find them, in the “tis” field. The tricky part is that TIs require that their filename in the prompt, and the location of the TI matters. This complicates matters because the filename is not easy to figure out by the user, especially because some model names have non-Latin characters which one can’t know how they will be changes when saving on disk.

So the way we handle it instead is that one needs to put the CivitAI model ID in the prompt, in the form of “embedding:12345”. If the strength needs to be modified, then it should be put as “(embedding:12345:0.5)”. On the side of the worker, they will always save the TIs using their model ID, which should allow ComfyUI to know what to use.

I also understand this can be quite a bother for both users and UX developers, so another option exists where you allow the AI Horde to inject the relevant strings into the prompt for you. You can specify in the “tis” key, that you want the prompt to be injected, where, and with how much strength.

This will in turn be injected in the start of the prompt, or at the end of the negative prompt with the corresponding strength (default to 1.0). Of course you might not always want that, in case you want to the TI to be places in a specific part of the prompt, but you at least have the option to do it quickly this way, if it’s not important. I expect UX designers will want to let the users handle it both ways as needed.

You are also limited to a maximum of 20 TIs per request, and there’s an extra kudos cost if you request any number of TIs.

So there you have it. Now the AI Horde provides access to thousands of Textual Inversions along with the thousands of LoRa we were providing until now.

Maximum customization power without even a need for a GPU, and we’re not even finished!

The AI Horde now seamlessly provides all CivitAI LoRas

Demand for AI Horde to support LoRas was high ever since they were discovered and unleashed into the Stable Diffusion ecosystem. About 2 months ago we were really close to releasing support for them but alas “stuff happened” which culminated in us having to completely rewrite out inference backend.

Fortunately, ComfyUI already supported LoRas, so once we switched to using it as our inference library, we just needed to hook into its LoRa capabilities. Myself along with the extremely skilled hordelib devs, Jug and Tazlin have been working constantly on this for the past half a month or so and today I’m proud to announce that the Lora capability has been released to all AI Horde Workers!

You might have seen earlier that some Client like Artbot, the Krita plugin and Lucid Creations were already supported LoRas. This was however only using the few beta testing workers we had. Now those clients will start seeing a lot more speed as worker with the power to do so start running them.

This also signifies our tightest integration with CivitAI yet! We we were already utilizing them, but mostly to just pull stable diffusion checkpoint files. The LoRa integration however goes far far further than that, using them as an integral part of our discovery and control process.

Through the very useful REST API provided by CivitAI, we have developed a method where we can discover, download and utilize any LoRa that is hosted there. No more do you need to search, validate compatibility, download etc. The AI Horde and its Worker will handle that automatically!

To showcase this point, I’ve made a small video showing off this capability in Lucid Creations which I’ve tightly integrated into CivitAI, so that it can look for any LoRa based on ID or partial name, display all relevant information and even warns you of compatibility issues.

Sorry about the sound quality. I don’t have a professional streamer setup, just a shitty webcam 😀

I’ve put a lot of effort into making finding and using LoRas as painless as possible, because there’s literally dozens of thousands of the things. Manually searching through the website and copy-pasting IDs is just a complete PITA. Never mind downloading and trying them out one-by-one.

Through the AI Horde, you can simply type the partial name of what you want, and keep mix and matching them until you achieve the desired outcome! Changing and trying new LoRas now takes literally a few seconds!

Also many kudos to the CivitAI devs which quickly implemented one request I put through to make this even easier and faster for everyone.

As this has just been released, currently only a few UIs support this. Lucid Creations which has full discovery, and ArtBot which requires you to know the ID. The Krita plugin is also supporting them. I expect the other UIs to soon follow in the coming days.

Hopefully this is another step in unleashing your creativity, without requiring a powerful GPU of your own!

Stay tuned for the next update adding access to all Textual Inversions as well.