Cory Doctorow knocks it out of the park with another great analysis of what the recent WotC decision means for the #OpenGamingLicense.
This perfectly showcases what a lot of people are missing about the strengths of the #FOSS licenses like GPL and Creative Commons: These licenses are not meant to protect the creator (like copyrights) they are meant to protect the user!
When I share something I made and I provide it to your as AGPL, what I am effectively saying is that I want you to use this, and not only promise not to ever take it away from you, but also explicitly legally bind myself to that extend as well!
The point is that people change and things change, but just because I changed my mind later or got greedy, shouldn’t allow me to retroactively take away ideas I’ve given away. In fact things like AGPL shouldn’t even need to exist, and all ideas should work likewise.
But as always capitalism has ruined everything to the point where we need to make exceptions to avoid the expropriation of even things like human ideas.
This is why proponents #copylefts constantly harp not to trust corporate licenses like these. They are not meant to protect you, they are meant to trick you.