Ελληνικά. Why not?

Σκεφτόμουν: Γιατι κάθομαι και γράφω στα αγγλικά τόσο καιρό εδω μέσα; Ίσως γιατι απλά έτσι συνήθισα στα blogs που διάβάζω τόσο καιρό. Αλλα why συνεχίζω; Αφού στην πραγματικότητα τα Ελληνικά και μ’αρεσουν και πιο εύκολα εκφράζομαι. Ίσως απλά δεν ήθελα να απογοητεύσω το παγκόσμιο κοινό που είχα μέχρι τώρα (Και καλα…) αλλα προχθές που το έκανα απλά βόλεψε και λέω να συνεχίσω έτσι.

Λοιπόν, σημερα έγινε το υπερπωρωτικό πάρτυ στον χώρο εργασίας το οποίο όπως πάντα τα έσπασε όλα. Ξύδια άπειρα, χωροί πάνω στα τραπέζια, ρωμαικά σατουρνάλια όργια, ξέρετε τώρα…μετά ξύπνησα και κατέβηκα κατά τις 3 κάτω να χλαπακιάσω τα καναπεδάκια.

Κλασσικά το μόνο που γινόταν ήταν όλοι να κάθονται σε πηγαδάκια ανα τμήμα και να τρώνε. Μετά ήρθαν οι big chiefs είπαν 2-3 βαρετές κουβέντες και όλοι, σαν καλά παιδάκια κουνήσανε τις καρκάλες τους, είπανε “χρόνια πολλά” όταν έπρεπε, πήραν το κρασι-δώρο τους και την έκαναν με ελαφρά πηδηματάκια δίνοντας μια χειραψία στο Management Team λές και ήταν οι κουμπάροι με τους νεονυμφούς. Πάλι καλά που δεν έλεγαν και “Να ζήσετε” δηλαδή.

Τουλάχιστον είχα και τον Παντελή να λεμε καμία μαλακία να περνάει η ώρα μέχρι να τελειώσει το θέμα. Πάλι η κουφάλα χαλαρά την έβγαλε. Ζήτημα να δούλεψε 3 ώρες σήμερα.

Επίσης η Αγγελική μου έβγαλε και μια γαμάτη φωτο (πιο κάτω)

Σαν κανονικός BOFH είμαι και γουστάρω. Και ειδικά έτσι όπως μου την έδωσαν πάλι σήμερα με τις κωλο-ευχές που στέλνανε μέσω e-mail ήμουν έτοιμος να συνάψω το εξής μήνυμα

Subject: Ευχές
Το τμήμα μηχανογράφησης σας εύχεται καλές γιορτές και σας υπενθυμίζει:

Εαν ξαναστείλετε ευχές σε όλους τους χρήστες αντί να τις βάλετε στους κοινόχρηστους φακέλους…
Θα είναι οι τελευταίες σας!

Καλό ε; Θα ρωτήσω τον IT Director να ειδούμε εαν θα μου το επιτρέψει έστω και για αστείο (Ναι καλά). Αλλα πάντως θα ήταν κάτι πρωτότυπο σε σχέση με τις κλασσικές εμμετικές βλακείες που στέλνουν όλοι (ή μάλλον όλες)

Επίσης σαν κλασσικός επιβήτωρ που είμαι δεν έχασα την ευκαιρία να βγω αγκαλιά με δύο θυλικά
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έτσι έεετσι…

Άιντε να δούμε πως θα περάσουμε τις γιορτές τώρα

Hey look at me, I'm Ian Anderson!

Ian WannabeHeh, well, not really 🙂
This was taken in Μανώλης’ place with a flute-like instrument.

Now that I mentioned this, yesterday was a day at his house, where I went shortly after fixing some partition problems on my system. While there I copied a heckload of movies and pr0n* and finally took my pr0n* T-shirt back! The bastard had it for almost a year!

On my part, I brought him two games and the firefly series which we tried in vain to copy.

Finally we tried to play some Empire Earth but failed miserably. Even though we were all using the same version, on computer kept thinking it had another…pretty strange!


Well, I’ve finally turned 1/4 of a century. I don’t feel too old.

It seems however that my lj writing has taken a break for a while. I just don’t feel like writing at this point.

This Monday I send SMS to various people I know to come over at the [tag]X club[/tag] where I’ll be hanging out tonight. Today most of those canceled 🙁 Still, If at least one or two show up things should be fine. I also plan to drink a lot (at least for me)

Happening this last month:

We finally solved the problem with the AD at work. The security policies had been corrupted and we restored the default ones. Pericles and I have become friends and go and eat crepes together.

I’ve once again failed at romance. A girl I thought was mine, changed her mind in the last minute. At least she continues to talk to me…

I’ve played F.E.A.R and finished it. I Started playing UFO Aftershock and I’ve already grown bored with it (Although I still like it a lot).

I used duct tape to fix my broken [tag]firestaff[/tag] (duct tape rulez!) and started double-twirling which is much fun. Unfortunately the weather screwed me up and unless I find a place big enough to use (or risk freezing to death) I won’t be twirling for a while.
Here’s some (not-so) nice pics as well. I turned one into my avatar as well 😉

I’ve formatted and reinstalled Ubuntu from the start. I got tired of stupid crashed and bugs. Still experiencing those. I’m waiting for Fedora 5 now.

That’s for now

The return of Kensha

Well, I’ll be damned, Kensha (Τάσος) has dropped by Thessaloníki and payed me a visit. Hell, I haven’t seen that soul for must have been at least 4 years.

Me and Kensha go way back to my Kali and Quake 2 times. Damn, just thinking about them makes them sound so long ago! Phew, how time has passed.
I still remember the Quake 2 training we had with one of us setting a dial-up server on his pc and the other connecting to it in order to play Quake 2 through lan. Or the times we played super intense Duke Nukem games using modems and a 4×4 stage 🙂

Good times

Anyway, It seems he came around for site seeing. Originally he called me at 3pm, waking me up in the process, and he didn’t expect me to recognize him. Of course, what he didn’t know was that I had kept his cell phone number all those years. I just didn’t really have any need to delete it and I though it could come in handy eventually.

After some communication problems, because my cell phone has crappy reception in my house, we set up a meeting at the Kamara which is a great Ark in the middle of the town. What I didn’t expect was him having brought his girlfriend along, I heard someone on the phone and I thought it was a friend of his, but it turns out it was her. She just has a bass voice.
We met in 20 minutes and after a short stroll we settled down at the Bolivar cafe.

tasos-kwstas-1.JPGMost of the time we talked either IT (he is a programmer and I am a sysadmin what did you expect) or made fun of powerfool. Powerfool (originally powerfull. Yes with the extra ‘l’) is a common friend that continuously gets into crazy schemes or develops plans to either score chicks or make money. This time he decided to perform a full body hair removal in order to play in music videos of μπουζουκοpop. This is obviously a scheme of the former category. This of course was just reason to start reciting his

older schemes 🙂


Now that I think of it, I haven’t seen Powerfool for at least 4 years as well. I just talk to him now and then through ICQ.

After the, quite expensive, coffee we decided to head out to eat some souvlakia and then split up. They’ll go to a movie afaik and then meet me at the X club that has a birthday party.

Staff Update

I have been in contact with the guys from Firetoys for the last day, trying to see what will happen with my staff break.
It seems it was from an external manufacturer and that may be the cause of its bad quality. I don’t really know, the could also be bullshitting me in order not to look bad. I did make a post in their forums about my mishap.

Anyway, the original plan was for me to send it and they would send me a replacement. However the postal costs are a bit high for such a large item and as such they told me to email them pictures of the break which they will forward to the manufacturer as proof in order to send me a new one.
Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by Photobucket.comFor anyone interested, here’s what the break looks like

I took those with a friend’s camera. Mmmm, I need to get me one of those…

Lets hope everything works out alright…


Crabholes were my third vacation time this summer. It is a free camping nudist area and I was planned to go there with my sister, her boyfriend and three other friends. The others had all gone there from Thursday/Friday and I was left to come alone on Saturday. Good thing about this is that when I arrives all the tents were already set up and I didn’t need to get tired, just head straight to the beach.

When I arrived there, the place was packed. In a small beach not much bigger than a big house, there were no less that 11 tents set-up, most used by families with children, so there was quite a bit of a clutter. Luckily the crabholes area has in total 4 beaches where you can go to and one was right next to us. Fortunately, that beach was filled with young people, around my age and many beautiful girls. Unfortunately there was a constant beat played from a dude very loud, who just wouldn’t understand that not everyone wanted to hear it all the time, and all the really gorgeous girls were taken as well.

There was too much nudism going around and although the rest of the team was naked or semi-naked (topless) I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. It just isn’t me. There are of course good and bad things related to a nudist beach. The good is that I got to ogle at some perfect female bodies walking around, the bad is that I had to suffer seeing countless dicks hanging around as well as some err…not so perfect female bodies.

I had also brought my training staff with me, so when we got to the beach with the beats, I found the perfect excuse to do some twirling. When people came to me to congragulate me on my skill I was of course very flattered. I mean, even I don’t think I’m that good. At some point I saw my sister looking at me with a smile that was like saying “Well done brother” and it felt better than anything she could have said. I only heard one bad comment, from a guy that just couldn’t stop making bad remarks, about how “unmanly” my style was.
After that, I took any excuse I could to bring out my staff and practice a bit. It actually helped to pass the time as well since just sitting around getting sunburns wasn’t good enough for me.

Here are some shots I got my friend to take me. I had to pester her for a while to take them and I just don’t understand why it was so hard to do it. (Press the thumbnails for fullsize)

Food was handles by way of coal barbecue (without bbq sauce of course. Just the Greek way). Usually ribs or fish (one of the girls liked fishing) with a side of tomato and onion salad. That was quite fun as well as I got to play with the fire all the time 😉

Nothing especially interesting happened though. The only things that stayed with me was my discussion with another IT pro I found there. He was a router expert and we started talking about IT infrastructure after I mentioned my plan to migrate our enterprise to linux. He tried to convince me of my error but in a way that showed he was not a MS drone. He didn’t (convince me that is) and in the end he tried to tell me some conspiration theories about the locking down of TCP/IP and shit. It was at that point that I grew bored enough to go take a swim. I later heard he hit on my friend and she grounded him fully.

The other memorable thing that happened was my hasty flee from the camp after I found out that the guy that was supposed to take me with him to Thessaloniki decided at the last minute to leave the next day. That was after I asked him 5 times when he was leaving to make sure it suited me. So I had to run to get ready and leave for the bus stop. Damn thing is expensive as well. 13.5 euros for a god damn ticket. In any case it was probably for the best this way. I later heard that the guy who was going to take me home with his bike died from a car accident on his way back…

Just kidding, but we did see a motorcycle-car accident on one of our trip to the town for supplies. The guy looked very bad.

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