Quote of the Day: Legacy

Quoth Andrew Lahde

Appointments back to back, booked solid for the next three months, they look forward to their two week vacation in January during which they will likely be glued to their Blackberries or other such devices. What is the point? They will all be forgotten in fifty years anyway. Steve Balmer, Steven Cohen, and Larry Ellison will all be forgotten. I do not understand the legacy thing. Nearly everyone will be forgotten. Give up on leaving your mark. Throw the Blackberry away and enjoy life.

Very true. All these people who spend all their life trying to amass more and more wealth or power simply end up taking up more pain that this is worth. They have reached the point of diminished returns and yet, they stilll keep at it, while making  things worse for everyone in the meantime.

Quote of the Day: Capitalism

Quoth the Barefoot Bum

The problem our capitalist economy faces is not how to feed everyone, but how to make a profit feeding everyone.

Aptly said and so true. We would have no problem feeding everyone on the planet but the capitalists can’t make a profit that way and this goes for most goods.

Just look at the situation with Intellectual Property where the right holders are trying to reign in infinite goods just because they can’t figure out a business plan to make money out of them.

Quote of the day: Economics

Quoth the Barefoot Bum

I am no more impressed by the assertion that “The vast majority of economists agree that capitalism is the most sound system there is for producing wealth and responding to demand,” than I’m impressed by the equally true assertion that the vast majority of theolgians agree that religious belief is the most sound system of creating and maintaining social, moral and ethical socialization.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. This is exactly the same way I feel every time someone brings in the “vast majority of economists that support capitalism” or whatever.

Quote of the day: Polar Bears

Fucking hell, I actually LOLed twice with this.

If I was an asshole God, know what I would have sent? A plague of polar bears. Yup. Polar bears falling out of the sky all over in Egypt. And they’d all be holding Qurans.

Emphasis mine. I’m telling you, that girl has an Allah-given gift for comedy.

Polar Bears! LoL!