Zeus damnit…and just when I have to work the next day…
Category: Zoulapia
Short and Sweet.
Chick Tracts defiled
Now this is interesting…
I’ve just stumbled on a very promising project called The Freeconomy community and I must say that it looks quite interesting.
Take a look and join if you wish.
I’m trying to make this blog OpenID compatible through the wp-openid plugin but I seem to be running into some problems. If you try to submit through the OpenID field, let me know of any problems
Holy shit. So many typos in my last post I don’t believe it. Wrongly spelled “beggining”, double sentences…ugh
Gawd damnit, where has my motivation gone again?!
Creationist LOL
Want to see a creationist getting owned? Head over to pharyngula’s for a laugh. The following quote by another commenter speaks volumes on what is doing on.
Steven, was the eugenics program in Sparta motivated by Darwinist teaching?
Just, LOL!
Just doing my share
Commenting Elsewhere
Yay! By following this little trick I now have the comments (or a link to them) of anywhere I post displayed in my own page. Just so that you can see how active I am on the intarwebs 😛
Recent posting
You may think that I’ve reduced my blogging lately, but your would be wrong. I’ve just been blogging elsewhere 😉