So, I just read crossed yesterday night

Crossed is the 2 Girls, One Cup of graphic novels.

I loved Preacher but this is just another level of disturbing entirely. Still very good, but I don’t recommend reading it before going to sleep. The last page of first issue was so disturbing that I actually had to put the thing down for a minute or two. It actually hit some kind of uncanny valey for storytelling.

A look into the mind of a monster

[TW] A serial rapists comes anonymously on reddit to explain his motives and methods.

[Warning: Massive Trigger Warning for Rape!]

So reddit recently had a post asking for the stories of rapists. I won’t go much into that clusterfuck (hint: Nuke it from orbit) but I was linked to one particular thread, where a serial college rapist explains how he thought when he did it, how he managed it and how he avoided justice. The whole thing is just disturbing but if you can stomach reading it, it will give you an insight not only on how these kind of rapists trap women but also how they get away with it.

Quote of the Day: The right to offend

Quoth Gary Younge

Second, the right to offend is a two-way street. It means nothing if it is not accompanied by the right to be offended. Those who believe racism is fair game should at the very least understand that calling them on their racism is no less so. You don’t have to accept the accusation but if you want to be taken seriously then you have to take the accusation seriously and engage with it. To hide behind your right to free speech is little short of pathetic.

h/t Shevil Empire

Quote of the Day: The Deadly Words

Quoth Dr. Nerdlove

There are certain words that are applied to women specifically in order to manipulate them into compliance: “Slut”, “Bitch”, “Ugly/Fat” and of course, “Crazy”. These words encapsulate what society defines as the worst possible things a woman can be. Slut-shaming is used to coerce women into restricting their own sexuality into a pre-approved vision of feminine modesty and restraint. “Bitch” is used against women who might be seen as being too aggressive or assertive… acting, in other words, like a man might. “Ugly” or “Fat” are used – frequently interchangeably – to remind them that their core worth is based on a specific definition of beauty, and to deviate from it is to devalue not only oneself but to render her accomplishments or concerns as invalid.

Read the whole thing to get a good idea why throwing around the word “Crazy” against women is a sign of internalized sexism. “Hysterical” is the same btw.

Oh and since we’re on the subject, I want to address the hordes of misogynists that descended upon Anita Sarkeesian in an attempt to silence and cower her. You’re a waste of oxygen and I hope a lightning surge burns out your VGA and console.

Quote of the Day: Hipster Racism

Quoth Shattersnipe:

So straight off the bat, anyone who says they refuse to get angry about rape culture because that’s what everyone else is doing – or, to use Tycho’s words, because they “don’t do compulsory” –  has, much like the hipster racist, completely sidestepped the issue of whether bad things are genuinely happening in order to try and look cool. Which, yeah, no.

On a related note, reddit is still shit (surprise, I know). I think my comments got in the negative hundreds in /r/games when I posted this article for discussion. Redditors were falling over each other trying to explain how not-offended they are. Ugh.

Παράθεση της ημέρας: Ο Ελληνικός Λαός

Είπε ο Βα.Αλ.

Αλλά την Κυριακή δεν ήταν σοφός. Την Κυριακή αποδείχτηκε ότι σκέφτεται με βάση το συμφέρον του… Και ότι είναι μικρόψυχος και συμφεροντολόγος! Τι;!;! Είναι ο ελληνικός λαός τέτοιο πράγμα; Δηλαδή, 30 χρόνια ήταν ιδεαλιστής του σοσιαλδημοκρατικού τρίτου δρόμου ή οπαδός του νεοφιλελευθερισμού και ξαφνικά μεταβλήθηκε σε στυγνό παρτάκια συμφεροντολόγο; Τι μου λέτε; Κοίτα να δεις πως αλλάζουν οι άνθρωποι…

Όλο το κειμενάκι σωστό. Διαβάστε το.