Left out again

Yeah, OK, once more I get ignored by my so-called friends.

It seems the company had a welcoming party for Yo!Master’s return from the army, going out to eat and stuff and who wasn’t invited? Yeah you guessed it.

I found out they had something planned when I called Master’s house on Saturday to see what’s new, after getting his mail about coming home.
His grandmother told me he was staying at a common friend’s house and he was going to eat out that day with the rest of the crew. They had “forgotten” once more to tell me about it. I called Psymon to see what’s up and he validated it. They were going out that night.

So much for 6 years of friendship. As soon as you stop gaming you might as well not exist.

Screw that.

Meeting old friends

So yesterday I went out at the afternoon by myself because no one I called could. After a last minute call I found out that my gaming friends had gathered at a local cafeteria to playtest Warlord. Well, seeing as I had too long to see them, I went and payed them a visit.
Unsurprisingly they have stayed the same in character and kept playing Warlord as I sat there, it didn’t occur to them to stop for a while and chat with me, seeing as they haven’t seen me in quite while. Only when another member of the group arrived did I have a chance to chat for a while, asking about their news and so on. Finally I grew bored and as the third member sat down to play, I took my leave and took a walk to find some other company.

In the road I happened upon a guy I vaguely remembered his face and he seemed to remember me, he was sitting with a girl and after some chatting we decided to go for coffee at my sister’s workplace. She wasn’t there and we went to the upper floor anyway where I bumped into an ex and her party of male friends, like a young queen bee among her slaves. In any case, we merged our two companies, seeing as the one I was with knew them as well, and we sat at an inner table. Initially the discussion was very light hearted but grew more serious as time progressed. Most interesting of all was that I got to chatting with one of the guys in my ex’s company and we stuck, very funny guy. He reminded me of myself at about 4 years ago, yearning for a woman company but very inexperienced. Oh and he was obviously hitting on my ex, but I didn’t mind. She is going to eat him and spit him out so fast you won’t even notice anyway.

After the cafeteria we were supposed to go to a boat bar but two of the party decided to bail out as soon as we left and as were nearing the boat another member decided to bail. In the end we, or rather my ex, decided we should go for a walk. I didn’t wanna of course but the other two, the one hitting on my ex and the funny cripple dude, did her favor and so we got to walking. While on the road, it occurred to me that both of them were very inexperienced when women are concerned. Here’s a little snippet the cripple dude threw:

Cripple – “Let me ask you something, would you ever, just for fun, say to a very nice female friend of yours to take a bath together?”
Me – “No, it would show that I wasn’t only interested in friendship from her”
Cr – “But what if your were really close-like, and you were only joking”
Me – “Dude, let it go, there is no joking about this. You may say you’re joking but what you’re really hoping is for a very serious yes from her and she will know it the instant you say it.”

At this point my ex decided to interject and try to show them the error of their ways but making fun of him and the other guy that leaped to defense, in the end the subject was dropped.

At some point I got tired of walking and I asked them to head back, my ex told us then that we came this far so that she could take a taxi closer to home, I teased her that she used us and for some reason, she decided to take offense at this. Well, I’m sick of taking this kind of shit so I let her get all huffed up and angry while the other dudes were trying to calm down. I was snickering on the inside at the absurdity of it all. I knew she wasn’t really pissed but rather wanted to see my reaction (or maybe everyone’s reaction) and I gave her the exact opposite of what she expected/wanted of me. Of course as expected, in the end she folded and became friendly again and we took her to take a cab.

I walked with the other guys for a while where I surmised that the guy hitting on my ex should be watched out a bit more. He seems to have a tendency for backstabbing, but that will show. He may just be bitter. We left him to take a cab as well and we continued with the funny cripple dude towards home.

After that I went to the X Club where there was a disco-night and I didn’t enjoy it very much. I was feeling a bit lonely all the time and things only brightened up near the end.

eh, a meh day…

I'm not well…again.

Recent developments have dropped my self-esteem and my older friends seem to have abandoned me altogether. It becomes tiresome to find that someone that you used to hang out with very often does not even go into the trouble to call you or send you a instant message. Yeah, 6 years of friendship my ass!
Psymon and Yo!Master, if you happen read this, you SUCK! You haven’t called in ages even though I did try to contact you. Yeah, have a nice time going to the beach or playing games. I know when I’m not wanted, it would be nice to know why at least…

I’ve been working on my linux desktop for the last few days. I have been using KDE and superkaramba themes. It is still a work in progress and this is what I’ve managed ’till now I still need to get the thunderbird theme to work and find some more stuff to fill me screen with.

I have also been lurking on the Deviant Art for a while, checking things out. It would be nice to be able to contribute something there as well but alas my artistic abilities are limited to desktop configuration and game design. However I think my sister could benefit from it. If I could just get her to register.

I also found out about Folding @ Home. It is similar to Seti@Home but it is about helping find cures for diseases like alzheimer and cancer so I think it is a much better cause. Since I have a relative power over the company’s network where I work I have installed F@H to 125 PC and got them to work for the good of all mankind. Here’s an updating sample of my contributions so far

Speaking of my work, I have been asked to provide an Active Desktop configuration. I have already cooked something up with my limited HTML/CSS knowledge but I would welcome any hints from anyone who has invested on the subject.

Well, I'd never would've thunk it!

Well, it’s official. I’m a little stupid

The Stupid Quiz said I am

Heh, and I always thought myself as one of the smart ones. Leave it to the nerds to prove me wrong 🙂 Oh well

On other matters, the weekend passed uneventfully. We has would be barbecue on a friend’t house where I learned that one of our mutual friends has a grudge against me for not paying part of a tavern tab when all of us with the same name were supposed to pay. Problem is that something had come up the same day and I ended up coming to the tavern after everyone had finished eating and so I ended up eating just some leftover dish and some. Now he also knows that I’m not exactly rich and also that I gave away all the money I had on me at the time but still he feels offended. Well, I don’t give a shit in any case, if he has a problem he should tell it to me instead of talking behind my back (which incidentally is something I despise).

Now that I mentioned money, it seems my budget has hit an all-time low. It is the first time I ended up without cash to go out and I had to borrow from my sister…damn! Luckily I’m getting paid in a few days so that should be the end of it, although I fear what will happen with all the concerts I want to attend. I really need to start taking care of my money once again.