Zpiderman three

I saw it. It was not particulary good. It was just another superhero movie that was basing it’s success more on brand recognition (spiderman fans) and amazing CGI. The scenario was very weak and the acting sub-par.

Things I particulary loathed

  • The whole “Americans love Spidey” thing they put on all the fucking time . It just look silly!
  • Parker getting “the evil look”. That always annoys me to no end in Holywood movies. Whenever the good guy becomes bad, he will invariably start dressing in black and change his hairstyle (This time parker became emo). It tried to pass the notion that only people who dress trendily and have conventional looks can be “good” when nothing could be further than the truth. Just once I’d like to see a realistic transformation to extreme selfishness.
  • Spiderman striding in front of the American flag before going into the final combat. FFS! I guess we could count ourselves lucky that he was not dressed in Red, White and Blue as well…
  • The Sentimental / Crying scenes. That was just so corny and fake that everyone in the cinema ended up laughing every time Parker cried.
  • Not. Enough. Venom! They finally put the best Spiderman villain in, and they end up showing him in action for something like 15 minutes. And he’s a true villain this time, not like the other pussies that were stealing for their daughters and projects and shit. Just pure evil.
  • Mary-Jane becoming the damsel in distress all the fucking time.

As always, the trailer of the movie was more interesting than the movie itself, and in this particular case, the trailers of the other movies were more interesting as well.

The cinema experience as always sucked. No surround sound, talking, not big enough screen and other shit like that.

Πρώτο χέρι

Ολοκληρώθηκε το πρώτο χέρι βαψίματος στο…ιστολόγιο 🙂 Απο εδώ και πέρα προχωράμε σε χρώμα νέον μπλέ το οποίο συμβολίζει την…Geeky πλευρά της προσωπικότητας μου. Η όλη διαδικάσία ήταν λίγο πιο επίπονη απ’οτι ελπιζα μιας και αναγκάστηκα να επεμβώ στο style sheet του Hemingway-ex theme ώστε να βρώ που βρίσκονται τα χρώματα για τα links και τα navigation bars. Το πρώτο ήταν ποιο έυκολο απο το δεύτερο μιας και το navigation bar έπαιρνε το χρώμα του απο εικόνα (κάτι το οποίο δεν ήταν άμεσα προφανές.) και σαν αποτέλεσμα η εύρεση μου στο style sheer για το χρώμα #FF9900 δεν έδινε αποτέλεσμα. Τυχαία το ανακάλυψα κοιτόντας τον φάκελο με τα images που περιέχονται στο theme. Μια μικρή επέμβαση με τον καλό μου φίλο, το gimp, μου έδωσε το αποτέλεσμα που μπορείτε να δείτε απο πάνω. Προσπάθησα να επιτύχω ένα ηλεκτρικό μπλε χρώμα αλλά δεν είμαι σίγουρος κατά πόσο το καταφερα. Προτάσεις βελτίωσης δεκτές (κώδικες RGB ακόμα καλύτερα 😉 )

Άλλες αλαγές που έχουν συμβεί/συμβαίνουν είναι η δραστική μείωση των categories που χρησιμοποιώ με συνδυασμένη χρήση tags μέσω του Ultimate Tag Warrior plugin. Αυτή τη στιγμή οι κατηγορίες μου αριθμούν κοντά στις 40 (απο ~120) και ελπίζω στο τέλος να απομείνω με περίπου 15, χωρισμένες σε 4 υπερ-κατηγορίες. Ακόμα προσπαθώ να αποφασίσω ποιος είναι ο αποδοτικότερος τρόπος συνδυασμού tags & categories. Μέχρι τώρα η ίδέα που έχω είναι τα οι κατηγορίες να παίζουν τον ρόλο των “φακέλων” που δίνουν την δυνατότητα στους αναγνώστες να δουν τι γράφω για ένα συγκεκριμένο θέμα. Παραδείγματος χάρη η κατηγορία job, παρουσιάζει όλα τα posts που έχουν σχέση με την επαγγελματική μου ζωή, άσχετα εαν μεταξύ τους τα posts έχουν σχέση. Η ίδια κατηγορία βρίσκεται στην υπερ-κατηγορία The Life Quotient, η οποία περιέχει όλες της κατηγορίες – και κατα προέκταση τα posts – που έχουν να κάνουν με την “Πραγματική Ζωή” μου (κοινώς, Real Life).

Απο την άλλη, τα tags προσπαθώ να τα χρησιμοποιήσω σαν προκαθορισμένα searches κατα κάποιο τρόπο. Κοινώς είναι ένας τρόπος για να βρεί κάποιος posts για ένα συγκεκριμένο θέμα. Έτσι χτυπώντας το tag [tag]Site-Updates[/tag] μπορεί o αναγνώστης να βρεί όλα τα κείμενα μου στα οποία σχολιάζω τις αλλαγές του Ιστολογίου μου. Επίσης τα tags είναι υπεύθυνα γισ τα related posts που μπορείτε να δείτε στα αριστερά απο κάθε post, και παρουσιάζουν μια λίστα για γρήγορη μεταπίδηση σε άλλα άρθρα που έχουν παρόμοιο θέμα. Αυτός είναι και ο κύριος λόγος για τον οποίο κάποιες κατηγορίες δεν είναι tags (πχ pictures). Εαν το έκανα αυτό, τότε όλα τα post που είχαν το tag pictures, θα φαινόντουσαν στα related posts, άσχετα με το γεγονός οτι οι εικόνες δεν δημιουργουν σχετικότητα. Επειδή όμως δεν έχω ανακαλύψει ακόμα τον τρόπο να εξαιρώ συγκεκριμένα tags απο την λίστα αυτή, πρέπει να χρησιμοποιήσω κατηγορίες.

Ένα άλλο πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζω με τα tags είναι το σύννεφο απο δαύτα το οποίο μπορεί να δεί κάποιος απο το navigation bar. Εκεί φαίνεται το συνολο απο κάθε tag χωρίς να αφαιρεί τον αριθμό (η και ολόκληρο το tag αναλόγως) απο τα tags που βρίσκονται σε private posts. Δεν είναι μεγάλο πρόβλημα αλλά είναι ενοχλητικό παρ’ολ’αυτά. Ίσως η λύση να βρίσκεται στο documentation του UTW αλλά δεν έχω βρεί ακόμα το χρόνο για να το διερευνήσω.

Μια άλλη αλαγή που θέλω πραγματικά να υλοποιήσω είναι η χρήση του navigation bar εώς drop down menu, όπως εδώ. Αυτό θα μου επιτρέψει να ξεφορτωθώ την λίστα απο pages στο navigation bar καθώς και το άσχημο hack που έχω κάνει ώστε να φαίνονται κάθε φορά οι εσωτερικότερες σελίδες (Βλέπε inwards). Δυστυχώς, λόγο του Penguin Migration και του εκτεταμένου Ναρκισσιμού, μου έχω πήξει στα pages τα οποία θα μεγαλώσουν ακόμα περισσότερο σε αριθμό μόλις ανεβάσω και όλα τα side-projects μου. Εαν έχει κανείς καμία ιδέα πως να το επιτύχω αυτό θα το εκτιμούσα να την ακούσω.

Τελευταία αλλαγή που έχει γίνει είναι η χρήση ενώς καινούργιου tag εν ονόματι [tag]Planet LGU[/tag] με το οποίο θα ταυτίζω τα άρθρα τα οποία μπορεί να έχουν ενδιαφέρον για την ελληνική κοινότητα του GNU/Linux και του ελέυθερου λογισμικού. Ο Λόγος για τον οποίο δεν θα χρησιμοποιώ την κατηγορία Free Software πια είναι διπλός. Κυρίως δημιουργήθηκε ένα πρόβλημα με το λεξιλόγιο που χρησιμοποιώ όταν έχω ψυχολογικό φόρτο. Ο Σίμος που είναι ο διαχειριστής του νέου πλανήτη αντιτίθεται στην εικόνα που παρουσιάζω για τον Ελληνικό χώρο του ελευθερου λογισμικού και σαν αποτέλεσμα ενώς απο τα τελευταία posts μου, αφαίρεσε το feed μου απο τον πλανήτη. Μετά απο μία συζήτηση που υπήρξε, υποχώρησα στην τωρινή απόφαση μου. Θα συνεχίσω να γράφω όπως επιθυμώ στο γενικό ιστολόγιο, αλλά σε ότι λαμβάνει το tag “Planet LGU” θα γράφω…κόσμια. Αντιτίθομαι σε αυτή την αναγκαιότητα αλλά δεν έχω όρεξη να αναλύσω το γιατί τώρα. Σε επόμενο άρθρο ίσως.

Ο Δεύτερος λόγος για τον οποίο χρησιμοποίησα καινούργιο feed είναι γιατί δεν θέλω να στέλνω στον πλανήτη μόνο άρθρα που έχουν άμεση σχέση με το ελεύθερο λογισμικό. Πολλές φορές γράφω κάτι γενικού ενδιαφέροντος το οποίο με ενδιαφέρει να παρουσιαστεί σε μεγαλύτερο κοινό ώστε ίσως να προκαλέσω μια συζήτηση ή απλή σκέψη τέλος πάντων.

Σχόλια για το νέο look του site, ή για οτιδήποτε άλλο δεκτά και επιθυμητά.

Embedded vids

Yes! With the help from the coolplayer author, I’ve managed to rid myself from Youtube. Now I can embed videos directly from the gallery. It seems it is just enough to put the video’s download link within the coolplayer tags and the plugin does the rest. Unfortunately the only way for me to get that link is to use mplayer’s embedded “Get url” option to get it and even then I must edit the final link and replace the garbage in the end and the file type (ex .mp4)

I’m not certain if Andor used another way to get the necessary link, but I don’t want bother him too much with questions. I’ll look around and see what I can find. For now, since I know the format of the link, I can just change the ID of the file and enter the correct extension and I’m done.

PonytailYou can see examples in my previous blogposts, let me know if you see any problems

Now all I need is some way to put the coolplayer vids on the side as floating, similar to aligned pictures like the one on the left. That would be just awesome.

Underground gigs

I’m starting to like the Metal scene in Frankfurt more and more. Yesterday I met with Maubi to go to a little gig of a few underground bands at Die Halle that was organised by FFM-Rock. Initially we though the price must have been 6-8 €, judging from previous experience. I even though that for 5 bands it might go as high as 10.

I did not expect it to be just 5 FUCKING EUROS! Five!! That is, 1€ per band. And the beers were at 2€ each! Two!! I don’t have enough exclamation marks for this shit!!!
The bastards at the Harley bar in Thessaloni charged us 15€ for 2 bands and the beer was something like 4€ or 5€! Bastards!

Moving on

Smiling MaubiInitially we met with [tag]Maubi[/tag] at the underground station at 20:15 where he informed me that two others would join us. I do not remember their names now bur needless to say, they were familiar faces from the Final Destination.

We got on the train where they proceeded to speak mostly in German. To pay them back I started filming them 😛 I even managed to finally get a pic of Maubi for my called ID.

[coolplayer width=”352″ height=”288″ autoplay=”1″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”1″ mediatype=””]

We arrived at the concert hall, (die halle heh) at about 2:15 and as I expected, they knew everyone around.

[coolplayer]http://www.dbzer0.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=600&g2_serialNumber=2&.mp4 [/coolplayer]

The place was a regular bar and there must have been about three dozen customers. As you could probably listen in the previous video they were doing the sound check when we entered.

ChiabolaThe First band that was playing were Chiabola. I did not think to take a video of the band at that point so you’ll have to be happy with this picture only 🙂

What surpised me about them was that only one member of the band had long hair, something usually common in Nu metal bands. Their music however was quite good, reminding me a bit of Paradise Lost in their newer albums. They only played 3 or 4 songs if I remember correctly.

Force Trankill in action

The next band, Force Trankill, was the one that had Maubi’s two guitarists from his other band, Everfest. They were playing progressive rock, and without wanting to sound biased I must admit that they were the ones I like the most. Of course, this is not to say that the other bands were not good, Force Trankillquite the contrary. I was amazed at the quality of the bands I saw for just 5 euros!

The singer was probably one of the reasons why this band sounded so goo. This is the same singer that I saw in a previous [tag]gig[/tag] I went to. Maubi told me that band was his other project at which point I started wondering if everyone around here two pet bands as a pastime.

Another FriendI believe I have to also mention that the whole environment was really cool. Although I hand’t really spoken to many people by that point, everybody seemed friendly and a girl regular even promised to help me get a flyer of the gig.

The area in front of the stage was not packet and I had enough space to move around and take photographs and videos. That is not to say that people where not head banging and stuff.

Crystal Crow SingerNext on the stage were Crystal Crow, of which the singer I had noticed outside just because he was wearing a bandanna exactly like mine, as well as a leather trench coat, like me. When he went on the stage, I just knew he had stolen my idea (if I ever became the frontman to a band that is 🙂 )

Crystal Crow in actionI must say that they were pretty good. The singer could grab both the high and the low notes and used a guttural voice similar to old school Sentenced. Their songs were a bit melancholic and dark-themed as well which was a good change from the rest.

I think this might be a band worth looking into in the future. I’ve been meaning to find another darkware metal band as a replacement for the now disbanded Sentenced.

Liquid Horizon The next band on the line was Liquid Horizon, a clearly progressive act with quite a melodic undertone. The singer, as you’ll be able to see from the vids, was also the Guitarist which imho is a no-easy fit when you’re playing prog.

I took two videos of these dudes mainly because I run out of space on my mobile phone and had to move some files around.

Big Chief DrummerFun fact. During one of the songs, due to the beat that sounded similar to native american rythms, the drummer put on a feather headress for the whole song. Nice touch 🙂



At this point, our other friends had already left because they were tired, leaving just me an Maubi. Fortunately I had already started talking with various people around the place, including the owner who even bought me a drink. During my conversation with the owner, I asked him directly, how could he manage when he was charging such low prices for entry and drinks. He explained to me that it was quite difficult in the start, where he almost closed down, but now that people have learned the place and more gigs are happening.

You know it actually makes sense. Bands don’t come to play here for the money and as such don’t expect a high income (perhaps 10 euros). This in turn allows the owner to charge low entrance and drinks which brings more people to the scene. These people then promote the bands using word of mouth (like I am doing currently) and even buy the bands’ own merchandise. In the end everyone wins, unlike Greece where everyone was losing.

ScenesAnyway, now the next band was on the stage, going by the simple name: Scenes. We had already been told by enthusiastic people around there that they were the best of the lot and as they started doing the soundcheck I could see that the singer would make a good performance.

Scenes in actionI was not dissapointed. The singer was quite the frontman and their music was quite enjoyable really. Although it was not not the band I liked that night – and there were a few people headbanging on the front row, which goes to show that I was probably in the minority – I must admit that for an underground band their music was quite impressive. They reminded me quite a lot of Queensrÿche.

Unfortunately at this point it was time for me and Maubi to head out as well in order to catch the least train so we couldn’t really see the whole gig. We said our goodbyes, I received my flyer as promised and I vowed to return for more 🙂

Ahem, just one more time…5 FUCKING EUROS!!!1!one!

Χέστηκα πάνω μου

Καθώς ανέβαζα ένα συμπιεσμένο αρχείο με φωτογραφιες για να κάνω την δουλειά μου γρήγορα, η gallery έφαγε ένα κόλλημα και στην επόμενη ανανέωση τα είχε παίξει! Storage Error στην μάπα!

Περιτό να ‘πω ότι έκλασα μέντες για μια στιγμή αλλα ευτυχώς το μήνυμα είναι σχετικά γνωστό οπότε η λύση ήταν έυκολη (αν και μιας και δεν δουλέβει απ’ευθείας πάλι είχα φοβίες)

Αυτά παθαίνεις όταν δεν έχεις κάνει Backup…


I made a huge upgrade on the way the gallery is working. Specifically I just installed gallery which is a much better piece of software than a simple plugin can be (although I must say that the plugin served me quite faithfully until now). The best part is that it supports videos as well while the organization (using keywords and albums) is vastly superior.

So I’ve spent the last two days configuring and uploading stuff on the gallery but I still have a long way to go to finish with it. I also installed the WPG2 wordpress plugin to allow me to integrate the gallery to my site but unfortunately it may be a bit more challenging than I expected, seeing as the theme I’m using is quite heavily modified compared to the basic one.

Nevertheless, progress is being made, and you can find the initial gallery here

Right now I’m still trying to find out why Firefox refuses to play mp4 and avi files. On the mp4 files it just asks for the quicktime plugin and on the avi file it gives out a no video error (even though Konqueror does not seem to have any problem playing it). It can play flv files quite easily but my problem is converting those mp4 files to flvs in the first place. mencoder seems to eat out the sound and I have no idea how to use ffmpeg (nor the time to learn).
I would however appreciate anyone who can try to see the videos on the gallery and tell me what works for him and what doesn’t.
In my humble opinion, the flash ones are the best since they have the best interface and play everywhere. However the conversion tools of Dreamhost and YouTube seems to drop the quality quite a lot compared to the original version.

Now that I mentioned Dreamhost. I just cannot be happy enough that I made this choice of provider. The automated tools have made my life SO much easier and the Bandwidth and Storage limits provided are just amazing. I literally installed Gallery2 within 20 minutes, fully configured.

Anyway, enough talk for now. Time to get back to configuring.


I just updated my wordpress site and I just fucked all my theme setting up. Not only that but by mistake I refreshed the upgrade screen in dreamhost and I seem to have overwritten the backup directory.



Oh well, time to change theme I guess. Ignore any glitches until I get things up to date

Update: Phew. I managed to restore everything. However this small encounter had made me look at other themes out there. Maybe it is indeed time for a change. I’ve grown bored of the small middle columnt anyway. So much space wasted.

Seamless Zoom

Here’s a practical example of how Beryl’s seamless zoom feature can help you prevent eye strain and allow you to see details more easily.


I mostly used the GPG forums to zoom into some screenshots with text inside that was not always easy to room and also did a sample zooming on thumbnails in my hard drive. Easier than going to the options and increasing the icon size 😉