Quote of the Day: Oh Human Nature

A Red Emma Quote about human nature

Quoth Emma Goldman

Poor human nature, what horrible crimes have been committed in thy name! Every fool, from king to policeman, from the flatheaded parson to the visionless dabbler in science, presumes to speak authoritatively of human nature. The greater the mental charlatan, the more definite his insistence on the wickedness and weaknesses of human nature.

Just goes to show how the same nonsense was eagerly used throughout the ages. “Human Nature” is the easy excuse for all oppression, from the State to Savery and from Patriarchy to Capitalism.

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New Socialist on the block

An infrequent contributor to the site has decided to open his very own blog. Lets give him some exposure.

Orgthingy, the infrequent contributor to the Division by Zer0 has decided to take the jump and open his own blog, self-hosted (it seems) and everything. His new site, called Red Side, is still fresh from the paint but there’s a few articles already there. So go and check it out and lets welcome the new member of the Blogosphere.

Quote of the Day: Violence for Comfort

An anon lashes out against pacifism coming from people who already have it good.

Quoth Anon

Life on Earth is violent. Everything alive must kill in order to survive. Just because you are shielded from the violence being carried out for your comfort doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. Idiot.

Yes, I left the “Idiot” part in purposefully.

I would clarify the above quote by saying that Life on Earth under class systems is violent. Life on Earth does not have to be violent.

Btw, read the actual article that spawned the comment. Quite an interesting counter-argument to pacifism.