Firefox 3 download hiccups

It seems that the firefox download page is having some (more) troubles. Ever since I got the first link I kept seeing the Firefox 2 download version. Eventually I managed to download the file but looking back a few minutes ago, the page had again reverted to Firefox 2.

I don’t know if anyone else has the same problem, but just in case you can’t find the download link, here a direct link to the file for the English Gnu/Linux and Windows versions. Here’s the link to all the versions as well.

Ubuntu Community DDOS

Holy shit! by judging from the current speed of the ubuntu website I can only assume that their servers must be practically melting from the amount of people trying to download the new version.

The ubuntu community is DDOSing their site.

I did manage to download the .torrent file so you can download it from here if you want to. There’s currently ~10.000 peers!


This particular phrase over at Groklaw made my day

ECMA decided not to wait for the ISO official announcement either. That made it possible to announce on April Fool’s Day. Perfection.

After such barefaced corruption of the ISO approval process, this is most appropriate.