The future of windows.

At this point in time, many of the people that take an active interest in the free software movement have taken a glimpse of how the future will be, regarding of course the battle between the two prominent desktop Operating Systems; Microsoft Windows and Linux.
To us, the outcome is undeniable; Linux will eventually become the OS of choice for the majority of the Personal Computers in the world. The only questions that remain however are: “When will that happen?” and “What major hurdles are in store?”

Regarding the second question, I am starting to foresee a move that I believe MS will have no choice but to make.

Windows will go free
…free as in free beer that is.

But first, some background.

It is widely understood how Microsoft got so much popularity among the desktop users even though at that early times there were products that could easily outperform and outclass MS offerings.
Although my knowledge of the 80s are scetchy at best, from what I understand, the major contestants for the OS of choice were:

  • Unix – Which even though stable and secure, was also forbiddingly expensive and user-unfriendly. Mainly used in Universities and Servers, it was never really considered for PC use
  • Mac OS – Which offered excellent ease of use but at a high cost when you included hardware, as it was meant for professionals
  • Amiga – Which although obviously superior as a multimedia system to the IBM/PC-DOS combination, was primarily a gaming system and never took off as a home system. In the end it died of reason that are out of context for this post
  • MS-DOS – The system that offered considerable ease of use at a very affordable price. Taking into account of all the IBM PC Compatibles that sprung up, lowering hardware cost (My first PC was an 8088 Hyundai IBM compatible). It is no wonder then that businesses decided to go for that choice, providing MS and IBM with the necessary funds to continue.

However MS-DOS and later MS-Windows did not become widespread because of the cost but rather because of the piracy.
MS did not care about people buying a cheap IBM compatible and then putting a pirated copy of MS-DOS/Windows on it (although most of the time it was already pre-installed as OEM). They had no way to hunt them down and it just wasn’t worth it. Getting money from Enterprises was and still is the major income source of MS.

What this widespread use meant however, is that almost everyone started to learn IT skills using MS products, and when Amiga flopped, all the gaming crowd fled to the only affordable and capable choice – Wintel.

The rest if almost too widely known for me to analyze but the gist of it is that once MS had the controlled majority (and later monopoly) of home desktops, they used it to further consolidate their position using Threats, shady dealing, aggressive tactics and of course FUD (See Browsers Wars, Monopoly use, Breakup with IBM, etc). They still never worried about people ripping them off; by then, they knew that it was to their benefit [1]. The “Free Loaders” could wait.

Lock In

Vista is overpriced, as windows always were for someone who always expected the OS for free, as is the case with the majority of gamers and power users. Furthermore, people in developing countries just cannot afford Windows on top of the hardware costs.

As other have said, MS does not care, although it pretends it does and hurts honest users with schemes like OEM windows that you are forced to buy with a new PC.
This time however, Linux is here and this time, MS’s opponent is safer, ethically superior, completely incorruptible and immune to monopolistic tactics and generally just plain better than windows. The only thing keeping windows users from leaving is Lock-in

  • Gamers are locked-in because gaming studios are blind or lazy enough to support only MS and DirectX
  • Professionals because specialist applications choose to support only Windows
  • Enterprises switched to Active Directory are locked-in because MS will not allow anything else to correctly and freely integrate to their infrastructure.

The only ones not currently locked-in, ironically, are the simple users that just want to surf, play a movie, download stuff, send emails and other mundane (nowadays at least) tasks. They do not care about shiny Aero graphics and they will be the ones initially migrating to Linux,when they understand what an OS upgrade means in Software AND hardware costs.
And believe it or not, simple users outnumber gamers and professionals.

When people realize that Linux is not that difficult after all, then they’ll tell their friends and an avalanche effect will take place. Once employees start to come pre-trained on Linux instead of windows, corporate environments will find it that the migration costs are not so big after you take out the re-training. The rest will be just a matter of time.

Now, I believe MS cannot stop this from happening eventually, but there is a way for them to delay it enough to successfully lobby for a software patent reform or another sneaky way to hurt the free software movement. That way is to five Windows for free to the home user.

They will attempt to delay the migration on grounds of cost, but they will keep the license cost for enterprises. That is all they ever needed after all.

Of course, in the end, they will not be able to compete in quality but until then, all of us may have to continue to suffer with no driver support or professional apps.

Idea Corruption

We are already seeing how the Open Source moniker is beginng to fray at the edges. Because it does not possess the ethical background of free/libre software, people are using the term “Open Source” (or simply open whatever) for things that not even do they not mean the same thing, but occasionally go contrary to its core methodology. In effect, the idea itself of “Open Source” is becoming corrupted.

Now think what will happen when MS suddenly releases “Free Windows”? For non IT people, who have real difficulty making a distinction between Free Software and Freeware, Free Windows would be in the same field. They will not know, and possibly not care, that we mean Free as in Free Speech.
Maybe MS will succeed in a way to pollute the term, but ultimately, I do not believe they can truly corrupt it, and I sincerely hope that the idea of Freedom is not distorted.

So here we are. The OS wars – and maybe some would go even further and call them Development System wars or some such, and I’m talking Cathedral VS Bazaar stuff – are only just beginning and MS, for all its new bells and whistles in their new OS, is set to fail, unless they realize it.
Once they do, I believe we will see something that we never would expect 5 years ago. Free windows for the home user.

And all of this, because of Free Software.
[1] The Irony of course here being that the people that thought were hurting MS, the crackers that removed copy protection and spread serial keys, were actually promoting MS monopoly.

10 χρόνια online

Μόλις τώρα συνηδειτοποίησα ότι αυτό το χρόνο έκλεισα 10 χρόνια διαδικτυακής ύπαρξης. Ξεκινώντας με ένα φτηνό 14.400 μοντεμάκι και ένα μήνα promotional σύνδεση στη forthnet αφότου ο Νίκος “Powerfull” (βλέπε “Powerfool”) μου είπε την αξέχαστη, και πολύ σωστή φράση “Θα είναι η καλύτερη αγορά που θα κάνεις ποτέ”…

KALI και adventurer’s guild/heaven/whatever (πως στο διάολο λεγόταν το forum του Τσουρινάκη στην compulink; Θυμάται κανείς;). Τότε σε καιρούς που όλα τα ενδιαφέρον πράγματα χρειαζόντουσαν πιστωτική. Ευτυχώς είχα το φιλαράκι να μου δανείσει τον κωδικό του για το KALI (Για όσους δεν ξέρουν, ένα απο τα πρώτα gaming nets το οποίου εξομοίωνε ένα δίκτυο IPX (LAN) μέσω TCP (Internet) για να μπορούμε να παίξουμε παιχνίδια που δεν γνωρίζαν τι εστί Internet (Βλέπε Duke Nukem 3D και Warcraft 2).
Ωραίοι καιροί. Ονόματα όπως Pioneer, Lanceril, Toufas, Gus και άλλοι πολλοί, μερικούς απο αυτούς ακόμα τούς έχω στο ICQ μου. Οι περισσότεροι έπαιζαν War2, εγώ Duke3D και είχα τον Gus να είναι ο μόνος που με νίκαγε σε normal πίστα (Μέχρι που τον βρήκα στο Quake 2 μπουάχαχα).
Η πρώτη συνάντηση μου με άτομα που γνώρισα απο το internet ωστε να πάμε στο Internet cafe (τότε δεν ήταν cafe) του Observer. Άντε πήγαινε απο Π.Φάληρο στην Αγ.Παρασκευή με λεωροφίο να λιώσεις 12 ώρες παίζοντας Duke3D και Τotal Annihilation (Παιχνιδάρα) multiplayer χωρίς 300 min ping.

Μεγάλη αλλαγή όταν πήρα το 33.600 modem, τώρα πια πάντα με “δανεισμένη” σύνδεση σε compulink ή όπουδήποτε άλλου μπορούσα να την τσιμπήσω (Απλά η compulink ήταν η μόνη που επέτρεπε το ίδιο username 2 φορές). Ακόμα και ΕΕΧΙ είχα ένα καιρό, δανεισμένη απο το φροντιστήριο μου.
Αυτοί ήταν οι καιροί που το KALI έχανε το prestige του μιας οι συνδέσεις μέσω TCP/IP γινόταν το status quο στα online παιχνίδια (Βλέπε Quake2) ή απλά υπήρχαν dedicated servers για αυτά τα πράγματα (Βλέπε Diablo στο battlenet και τα απίστευτα cheats). Ακόμα έπαιζα με τρελά ping αλλά για κάποιο λόγο το πήγαινα το καταραμένο Q2.

Πανελλήνιος διαγωνισμός Q2 (Καλά τι πανελλήνιος, μόνο η Αθήνα θα ήρθε κατα πάσα πιθανότητα) απο την Compulink. Απίστευτη πόρωση και μεγάλη προπόνηση με τον Hellraiser μέσω τοπικά στημένων servers στον υπολογιστή μου. Τελικά ήρθα δεύτερος, και αυτό διότι ο Legeon ήξερε την πίστα και δεν το παραδέχτηκε (αλήτη). Το δεύτερο δώρο sux αλλα τουλάχιστον είδα την φάτσα μου στο ένθετο του PC-Master. Μετά απο μερικά χρόνια σταμάτησα να το παίρνω αηδιασμένος απο την ποιότητα του (Ο Τσουρινάκης μια ζωή τα ίδια, ούτε δημόσιος υπάλληλος να ήταν εκει μέσα με τον Κρατσά).

Πάει το Quake2, τελειώνω το Λύκειο και φέυγω Θεσσαλονίκη όπου ξεκινάω new life. Παρέες αρχικά με Serpent, με τον οποίο ξεσκιζόμαστε στο Q3 μέχρι που εγώ το βαριέμαι και το γυρνάω στο CS που μόλις έχει βγάλει την beta2. Αυτός καίγεται εντελώς και πάει και νικάει το Πανελλήνιο στο Q3. Τελευταία φορά που τον βλέπω έχει κάνει τατουάζ το σύμβολο του Q3 στον ώμο (Πάει η χιλιοκλασμένη Serpent. Πέθανε)

CS μαζί με φιλαράκι σε νετγκαιφέ και κυρίως στο Enterprise στο οποίο γνωρίζω μερικά απο τα πιό εντάξει ατομάκια στην ζωή μου (Ά ρε Elt και deadskate). Αγοράζω αυθεντικό το Half-life όταν ακόμα έκανε 5 χιλιάρικα απο προσφορά και αρχιζω να παίζω CS online. Με βλέπει μια μέρα ο Plutonick στην Warehouse και μου προτείνει να μπω στην MAZA. (“Ρε συ historian, θές να μπείς σε μια clan?” – “Why not”). Νέα ονόματα, Smoke, DaDread, Davout, φιλίες, έχθρες, τουρνουά, προπονήσεις και στην μέση…ο στρατός.

Τα γάμησε όλα.

Με πέταξαν απο την ΜΑΖΑ (κατάρα στο στον Davout) αλλα με ξαναπήραν μετά. Εξαφανίστηκα απο το διαδίκτυο και άλλαξα και nickname. Πέθανε ο Ιστορικός Historian (αν και οι Μαζίτες δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση να με φωνάξουν αλλιώς) και εμφανίστηκε ο Db0. Σταμάτησα ένα καιρο το πολύ online gaming, ας όψεται Γκόμενα και δουλειά, μέχρι που άρχισα το Eve, πάλι με τους μαζίτες.

Κάπου εδώ είχα αρχίσει να δουλέβω στο Φωκά. Μέσα στον χρόνο ανακαλύπτω το Λινουξ και το ενδιαφέρον μου στο διαδίκτυο γίνεται πιο φιλοσοφικό. Free Software, Open Source, και διάφορα άλλα. Σταματάει το πολύ gaming αλλα δεν με ενοχλεί πια. Προσπάθησα λίγο το WoW άλλα έφαγα ερωτική απογοήτευση και μου έφυγε η όρεξη (Άσε που βαρέθηκα).

Και ερχόμαστε στο παρόν. 10 Χρόνια μετά (30 χρόνια επιτυχίες όπως λένε και τα Ημισκούμπρια). Θα ήθελα να ήταν 15, να είχα γνωρίσει καιρους BBS και 1 μονάδα το τηλεφώνημα άλλα άργησα. Έπαιζα Monkey Island τότε 🙂

Δεν μπορώ ούτε τα μισά απ’οσα έχουν γίνει να πώ σε ένα blogpost και είναι κρίμα. Φοβάμαι μην τα ξεχάσω.

Και γαμώ τα review

Μπορώ να πω ότι αυτό το review για το Λίνουξ είναι απο τα καλύτερα και πιό έξυπνα που έχω διαβάσει. Εύγε κοπέλα μου, μακάρι να είχα το χιούμορ σου 🙂

Προτεινόμενο για oποιοδήποτε Έλλην Linux User Events

[tag][/tag] once more has done something extremely cool with its newest version. It’s called the event system and it allows you to find local events (gigs/concerts whatever) that are similar to your music taste and see who else is going or register that you will be attending.

This is one of the coolest ways to meet new people. Arrange to meet up for a concert and maybe for a beer afterwards.

You can also search for events by any number of factors, like band, date or location.


The other interesting update is the flash radio. No longer must you download the player from anywhere you need to listen to music. That seriously helps in case you want to listen from a place where you don’t have admin rights or are just in a hurry.
It still needs work as it seems. I’ve been trying it all morning and I get a lot of disconnection errors and heavy buffering but I expect that will be fixed sooner or later. It’s probably because of the amount of people trying it out and putting a strain on the servers.

Other new & interesting stuff are the free downloads and the tast-o-meter, but events in my humble opinion is teh shit!

Starting adventuring again.

After this last Sunday, I got in the mood to work on [tag]Chronopia Adventures[/tag] again. I don’t know why but I think it was the board game I played, Hunt for Dracula or something, that did it.

It’s been a long time since I worked on that game and the rules are more polished than I remember leaving them at. Still, I never liked that fact that all dungeon encounters were from the same, which meant that every dungeon, of the same level, had the same creatures inhabiting it.

My idea now is to have dungeon types, so for instance a Warped dungeon will be inhabited more by demonic forces while a Desecrated one will have more undead. This will help, imho, to keep a sence of “focus”/realism and not have everything be so random.

Right now the idea is to create a Generic encounter table for each type, that the characters roll at when encounting hostile forces and that is the same for all levels. However when you look the results at their own table, they vary depenging on the level of the party.

The other idea that occured to me is that it would be great to create a program to handle the encounters for the game, in order to cut down on the paperwork. Then all one had to do is bring in a laptop instead of flipping through dozens of papers to find the right tables.

It would also be a great start to pick up on python as well as I’ve been meaning to do.

Sorry Bob

Well, I managed to get someone angry with me without really meaning to. You see, there is a group of boardgamers that gather every Sunday at a guy’s house and play games and I contected them in order to meet up with them. However due to heavy amount of drinking and dancing the previous night at Slime Light I ended going home at 8 and sleeping until 1 (and that was lucky).

Problem is that I was supposed to let him know if I was coming or not by 12 and I should be there by 2. I didn’t have his phone number and I didn’t have his address since I was planning to get them from the library on Saturday, which I didn’t find the time to do so afterall.

So, I just thought that since I didn’t call, he would assume I’m not coming and decided to go and find another gaming group that was gathering downtown.

Unfortunately, I didn’t understand how things work exactly and the guy who was hosting the event at his place called me, being a little pissed off, to ask me if I’m going after all. Well, I didn’t really have a good excuse, and I could only apologise.

Well, I blew my chance with that specific gaming group unfortunately and that’s a pity but at least I won’t be here long so it doesn’t make much of a difference. Still, I dislike pissing off people.

Library windows

I wonder how much money the library, from where I am writing this post, has spent to buy and install windows and office 2000 on all computers. I can’t help wondering how much cheaper it would be if they were all based on Linux.

As a matter of fact, I have seen many systems around running on [tag]Windows[/tag] only in order to run another application, for example, for displaying a looping video all day.

The train schedule display in London bridge, and by that I presume everywhere else, obviously runs on windows (I noticed that after they performed an illegal operation and crashed the schedule). Why? Why not run on a lightweight Linuxbox, or thin client? Why do they need the whole (expensive) windows package when they don’t even use it?

The post office’s ad display runs on windows. The only thing that does is cycle through marketing images. Did they really pay the price for an OS just to be able to put a few images in a loop?

This just doesn’t make sense.

Περιμένοντας την ΒΤ

7-10 μέρες για να μου ενεργοποιήσουν την τηλεφωνική γραμμή απο τη ΒΤ. Εαν υποθέσω ότι τα χρήματα έχουν φτάσει από την Τετάρτη τότε αύριο θα έχουν περάσει 7 μέρες. Ας ελπίσουμε να μην τους πάρει το max. Αλλά και πάλι, γιατί χρειάζονται 7 μέρες για να ενεργοποιήσουν μια γραμμή, τι στο διάολο πια;

Μετά απο αυτό, να δούμε και πόσες μέρες θα χρειαστεί για να ενεργοποιηθεί η broadband…


Αρχίζω να διακρίνω ορισμένες ρωγμές στην αιώνια αισιοδοξία μου. Τις τελευταίες μέρες είμαι θύμα σε διάφορες αλλαγές ψυχολογίας. Την μία είμαι αισιοόδοξος για το μέλλον και πιστέυω οτι απλά πρέπει να κάνω υπομονή μέχρι να μου δοθεί μια ευκαιρία, και την άλλη βλέπω την οικονομική & εργασιακή κατάσταση μου και απελπίζομαι.

Όπως το είπε και ο ξάδελφος μου ο οποίος έχει απλά “ταλέντο” για να σου ανυψώνει το ηθικό…

“Τηλέφωνα, τηλέφωνα αλλα δουλειά δεν βρίσκεις…”

Να’σαι καλά ρε Παύλο που δηλώνεις το προφανές. Για ακόμη μια φορά μου δίνεις δύναμη να συνεχίσω…*sigh*

Είναι και το γεγονός οτι ο υπολογιστής έχει αρχίσει να τα παίζει πάλι…random κολλήματα και μεγάλη καθυστέρηση με την πρόσβαση στον σκληρό με κάνουν να πιστεύω οτι ο 40ρης μου έιναι στα τελευταία του. Το πρόβλημα είναι οτι εοπάνω του κάθεται το μεγαλύτερο μέρος απο το logical volume στο οποίο βρίσκεται το λειτουργικο. Σε περίπτωση δυσλειτουργίας θα πρέπει να εγκαταστήσω εσωτερικά τον 250g και να βάλω πάνω του καινούργιο λειτουργικό…το οποίο, χωρίς internet θα είναι λίγο πίκρα.

Μιας και είπα internet, ρώτησα την BT τι χρειάζομαι για να βάλω τηλεφωνική γραμμή και μου ψυθίρισαν οτι θέλει αρχικά μόνο 50 λιριά για ασφάλεια…τελικά ότι και να κάνω μου τρώει περισσότερα χρήματα.
Μετά απο αυτό πρέπει να πάω ή στην TalkTalk για δωρεάν Internet μαζί με το πάγιο του τηλεφώνου (σύνολο 20£ το μήνα για 8mb, 40gb limit) ή στην Orange για δωρεάν Internet μαζί με το πάγιο του κινητού (σύνολο 45£ το μήνα για 8mb, 5gb limit…νομίζω). Πάω στοίχημα οτι θα πρέπει να αγοράσω και broadband modem το οποίο θα είναι τουλάχιστον 50£ ακόμα… ξανά – *sigh*

Ας ελπίσουμε δηλαδή να είναι μόνο ο δεύτερος σκληρός, γιατί εάν τα παίξει το PC…την πουτσίσαμε, για να το πω ευγενικά.

Ευτυχως βγάζω “θεωρητικά” 800 λίρες το μήνα που θα πρέπει να είναι αρκετές για αυτά. Δυστυχώς, δουλέυω σαν το σκυλί.

Οπότε παρέα με τις ψυχολογικές μου αλλαγές, περιμένω ακόμα για μια ευκαιρία. Τηλέφωνα με παίρνουν…να δούμε καμία συνέντευξη πότε θα πάμε.


Yesterday I went looking for a new power cable because the did not ship one with the monitor I bought from ebay citing “safety reasons”. Now what kind of safety reasons do they have for now shipping power cables when every other company out there does so…I do not know. I guess it’s for the safety of their pocket or something.

Anyway, I went looking for a new power cable and having had to buy one before, I was prepared to pay about 5 pounds for a new one, however I was not prepared for the 10 pound overkill I found on PC World.

Let me say that again: 10 – friggin’ – pounds … for a power cable. Needless to say, I did not buy it. I visited a few other shops looking for one where I found the same price again. Fortunately, a one-man computer repair shop I found, sold one for 3 pounds.

I then asked him if he had any screws he could give me:

‘So, what do you want it for’
‘I lost one and I need to screw something’
‘Which ones you need?’
‘The HDD ones’
‘How many’
‘Hmm, gimme two’
‘Alright, that will be one pound’
‘You’re going to sell them? You’re going to charge me 1 pound for 2 screws?’
‘… keep them’

50p for a screw, 50p for a printout…some people just need a good whack on the head I think.