
2 συναυλίες λοιπόν αυτές τις ημέρες, μια Stratovarius και μια Paradise Lost. Επίσης είναι και μία Skyclad η οποία θα γίνει το Σάββατο.
Καλή φάση.

Στους Stratovarius πήγα μόναχούλης αλλα αυτυχώς βρήκα εκεί γνωστούς (τελικά έχω αρκετούς ε;) και περασαμέ γαμάτα. Χτύπημα μέχρι τέλους και μετά άλλες 7 ώρες στα Λαδάδικα ασταμάτητο χτύπημα. Στο τέλος φυσικά βγήκα βραχνιασμένος αλλα το διασκέδασα. Πήρα και το τηλέφωνο απο ένα παλικαράκι για να έχω παρέα να βγαίνω οπότε ήταν το highlight της εβδομάδας.

Στους Paradise Lost πήγα μαζί με την Δώρα απο την ΚΝΕ την οποία πήρα την τελευταία στιγμή. Ευτυχώς περναγε απο το κέντρο καθώς πήγαινε και δεν υπήρξε πρόβλημα. Δεν έπεσε πολύ χτύπημα εκεί και μετά απο το X δεν είχε πολύ χαβαλέ αλλα ευτυχώς όταν πήγα απο το Dizzy βρήκα κάτι γνωστους αλλα και μια κοπέλα την οποία είχα γνωρίσει στους Stratovarius και η οποία φερόταν πολύ φιλικά…είδομεν σε αυτό το μέτωπο.
Πλάκα είχε πάντως πριν πάμε λαδάδικα, που περάσαμε απο το σπίτι του Πάνου ο οποίος με έχωσε να κοιτάξω τον υπολογιστή του άλλη μια φορά (με δελέασε με τσιπουράκι πάντως, δεν μπορώ να πώ)

Τώρα θα προσπαθήσω να αγοράσω εισιτήρια μέσω του Τάσου απο την Αθήνα διότι οι βλάκες δεν φέραν είσιτήρια Skyclad στην Θεσ. Τσογλάνια…

Χρόνια Λίγα και Κακά

Μιλάμε αυτή την πρωτοχρονιά περασα κα-τα-πλη-κτι-κ-α έτσι; Απίστευτες κραιπάλες, ποτά και χωρός μέχρι τελικής πτώσεως και μετά όργια στο καπάκι για να στρώσει η επόμενη μέρα

Ε, ποιον κοροιδεύω; Σκατά κατα κόρον. Παρασκευή μέσα, Σάββατο μέσα μέχρι το βράδι που πήγα στο σπίτι του γκόμενου της αδελφής μου και κέρδισα 4 έουρο στην εικοσιμία και μετά μια βόλτα απο λαδάδικα που κέρδισα άλλα 5 απο την ηλιθιότητα του πορτιέρη. Κυριακή μέσα. Δευτέρα μέσα. Τώρα μέσα…

Και γαμώ ε; Ποιός στην χάρη μου.

Και τι έκανα καθώς καθόμουν μέσα με τον άπειρο χρόνο μου; Έβλεπα Lost και έπαιζα Wesnoth. Τρελό κάψιμο δηλαδη. Κάτι μου ήρθε σε μια φάση να ξεκινήσω δικό μου campaign στο [tag]Wesnoth[/tag] αλλα μόλις καθόμουν στον υπολογιστή βαριόμουν. Κλάιν. Λιγο στην δουλειά σήμερα μου ήρθε έμπνευση αλλα κλάιν again.

Γιατί τόσο μέσα; Έ έξαφανίστηκαν όλοι. Οι μισοί στα χωριά τους, οι 2 στρατό, ο ένας με την γκόμενα δεν έμεινε και κανείς…η τουλάχιστον έτσι κοροϊδευω τον εαυτό μου για να δικαιολογήσω το γεγονός οτι και εγώ δεν έκανα ιδιαίτερο κόπο να πάρω τηλέφωνα (Ντάξ πήρα μερικά αλλα μετα απο 2-3 απογοητεύτηκα). Δεν με πήρε και κανένας, οπότε…μέσα.

Ξεκίνησα να παίζω και Dofus την προηγούμενη εβδομάδα αλλα το βαρέθηκα σε χρόνο DT και τώρα προσπαθώ να πείσω τον Άγγελο να πάιζουμε μαζί.

Πάλι καλά που δεν με βρήκε ο νέος χρόνος μόνο μου δηλαδή

Ελληνικά. Why not?

Σκεφτόμουν: Γιατι κάθομαι και γράφω στα αγγλικά τόσο καιρό εδω μέσα; Ίσως γιατι απλά έτσι συνήθισα στα blogs που διάβάζω τόσο καιρό. Αλλα why συνεχίζω; Αφού στην πραγματικότητα τα Ελληνικά και μ’αρεσουν και πιο εύκολα εκφράζομαι. Ίσως απλά δεν ήθελα να απογοητεύσω το παγκόσμιο κοινό που είχα μέχρι τώρα (Και καλα…) αλλα προχθές που το έκανα απλά βόλεψε και λέω να συνεχίσω έτσι.

Λοιπόν, σημερα έγινε το υπερπωρωτικό πάρτυ στον χώρο εργασίας το οποίο όπως πάντα τα έσπασε όλα. Ξύδια άπειρα, χωροί πάνω στα τραπέζια, ρωμαικά σατουρνάλια όργια, ξέρετε τώρα…μετά ξύπνησα και κατέβηκα κατά τις 3 κάτω να χλαπακιάσω τα καναπεδάκια.

Κλασσικά το μόνο που γινόταν ήταν όλοι να κάθονται σε πηγαδάκια ανα τμήμα και να τρώνε. Μετά ήρθαν οι big chiefs είπαν 2-3 βαρετές κουβέντες και όλοι, σαν καλά παιδάκια κουνήσανε τις καρκάλες τους, είπανε “χρόνια πολλά” όταν έπρεπε, πήραν το κρασι-δώρο τους και την έκαναν με ελαφρά πηδηματάκια δίνοντας μια χειραψία στο Management Team λές και ήταν οι κουμπάροι με τους νεονυμφούς. Πάλι καλά που δεν έλεγαν και “Να ζήσετε” δηλαδή.

Τουλάχιστον είχα και τον Παντελή να λεμε καμία μαλακία να περνάει η ώρα μέχρι να τελειώσει το θέμα. Πάλι η κουφάλα χαλαρά την έβγαλε. Ζήτημα να δούλεψε 3 ώρες σήμερα.

Επίσης η Αγγελική μου έβγαλε και μια γαμάτη φωτο (πιο κάτω)

Σαν κανονικός BOFH είμαι και γουστάρω. Και ειδικά έτσι όπως μου την έδωσαν πάλι σήμερα με τις κωλο-ευχές που στέλνανε μέσω e-mail ήμουν έτοιμος να συνάψω το εξής μήνυμα

Subject: Ευχές
Το τμήμα μηχανογράφησης σας εύχεται καλές γιορτές και σας υπενθυμίζει:

Εαν ξαναστείλετε ευχές σε όλους τους χρήστες αντί να τις βάλετε στους κοινόχρηστους φακέλους…
Θα είναι οι τελευταίες σας!

Καλό ε; Θα ρωτήσω τον IT Director να ειδούμε εαν θα μου το επιτρέψει έστω και για αστείο (Ναι καλά). Αλλα πάντως θα ήταν κάτι πρωτότυπο σε σχέση με τις κλασσικές εμμετικές βλακείες που στέλνουν όλοι (ή μάλλον όλες)

Επίσης σαν κλασσικός επιβήτωρ που είμαι δεν έχασα την ευκαιρία να βγω αγκαλιά με δύο θυλικά
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έτσι έεετσι…

Άιντε να δούμε πως θα περάσουμε τις γιορτές τώρα

Hey look at me, I'm Ian Anderson!

Ian WannabeHeh, well, not really 🙂
This was taken in Μανώλης’ place with a flute-like instrument.

Now that I mentioned this, yesterday was a day at his house, where I went shortly after fixing some partition problems on my system. While there I copied a heckload of movies and pr0n* and finally took my pr0n* T-shirt back! The bastard had it for almost a year!

On my part, I brought him two games and the firefly series which we tried in vain to copy.

Finally we tried to play some Empire Earth but failed miserably. Even though we were all using the same version, on computer kept thinking it had another…pretty strange!

Defining Characteristic

I just read this piece which at the end has this specific thing to say

“I suppose we all do it to some extent, base our self-perception on a single characteristic and cling to it with every ounce of solid matter in our bodies.”

Now this is a very interesting thought and it got me thinking about what could possibly be my own “special characteristic”. I know for sure that isn’t something ephemeral like beauty or physique and it isn’t something like “being always right” or “perfect worker”, no. And instantly it came to me.

I’m Good

I define myself from my high personal integrity and generic altruism and consider that I do things in the best interests of everyone involved. I try to take the right side in every conflict, not lie and not badmouth others.
This is also where I attribute the good luck that I frequently encounter, sort of like a Karma effect.

As a result, there is no single most easy way to get me worked up than to insult my precious personal integrity. Call me ugly, stupid, lazy, whatever. I don’t care. But call me a double-faced, backstabbing lying sonova and you’re got a heated argument on your hands.
There is just no easier reason to make me do something than to call me egoistical for not doing it.

I don’t know if such a thing should be considered good or bad, but imho you can’t take the good without the bad and I choose to believe that the good in this case overwhelm the bad. If I had to choose that special characteristic, this would be my choice once more…well ok, perhaps “Sex God” sounds good as well 😉

Vampirefreak? Moi?

The last few days have been…interesting. Things have been turning up for the better and I couldn’t be any happier.

First a new road opens in my professional career, and just at the right time for my current psyche. You see, I’ve started to get bored and drudgerous which for me isn’t so good. Then as I was thinking of ways to spice up my life, my sisters comes and offers me an option I had previously turned down (at a time where I was happy with the way things stand). This time however it just clicked. Even my sister was taken aback for a while after I said “Great idea!”. She was prepared for a convincing argument and failing that, some good old fashioned name calling.
So I’ve talked to a few people and it seems that within 3 months things will be quite different. We’ll see…

I’ve also registered over at Vampire Freaks (VF Henceforth) which was a result of recent developments in my relationship tab.
However I’m neither a “vampire freak” nor a goth or anything like that. au contraire, I’m actually quite the happy-go-lucky guy with a perpetual smile on my face. I did make an attempt at a melancholy theme (and I even danced a bit at X-cel club this Saturday, just for the kicks) but my registration is mainly just a means to an end.

What I came to understand about VF is that it is a ego-boost galore. The fact that you can see who has rated you makes that the rating system complete off-base. People use it both as a bribe and as a threat. If you dare rate someone with anything other than 10, you’d be sure not to get a 10 yourself (and let’s not even dare contemplate what will happen if you rate them under 7). If someone rates you as a 10 on the other hand, he most likely ask you to rate them a 10 as well as a thanks, in effect throwing all unbiased voting to the wind. That’s why in the end, all the rating you see are over 9.5 even on truly ugly people.

As a result of my VF registration I also took the WoD [tag]test[/tag] and the result amazed me.
I mean, mages ARE my favorite WoD type but I didn’t try to be rated as one. I just answered the questions truthfully and what do you know….

You Are A Mage


Visits from the south

Τασος Ζαχαριάδης visited me this Weekend. He came to buy some machines for Tattoo and I kept him company while he was here. Saturday he slept at my place (after we came home from some late night drinking) and Sunday we hand around a bit while I wrote him a heckload of pr0n and then headed out for cofee.

We ended up at Navarinou Square drinking Ouzo with 3 girls, with one of which I had something going for a while at the Summer. She seemed very friendly once again.

After a glass or so, we decided to head out to the Silver Dollar where a friend of mine I met on the road notified me was a Rammstein night. Kewl!

There we met a hosts of people but the highlight of the night was one guy who I initially started talking because he thought Power Metal was retarded. Then after a while Τασος joined the conversation which gradually degraded from friendly talk about jazz to which instrument is better and if the Bouzouki is gtp. Now, I know I can be absolute and strong willed at times, but I am as agreeable as a girl scout in heat in front of Bon Jovi, compared to this dude. They talked for 3 hours on this subject and this guy followed us to the Souvlaki parlor in order to continue the conversation. I’ve never seen someone so obsessed on proving his point.

Yeah, ok dude, you’re an expert on guitar and can play popes, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of the instruments don’t have a reason to exist. Jeez!

The return of Kensha

Well, I’ll be damned, Kensha (Τάσος) has dropped by Thessaloníki and payed me a visit. Hell, I haven’t seen that soul for must have been at least 4 years.

Me and Kensha go way back to my Kali and Quake 2 times. Damn, just thinking about them makes them sound so long ago! Phew, how time has passed.
I still remember the Quake 2 training we had with one of us setting a dial-up server on his pc and the other connecting to it in order to play Quake 2 through lan. Or the times we played super intense Duke Nukem games using modems and a 4×4 stage 🙂

Good times

Anyway, It seems he came around for site seeing. Originally he called me at 3pm, waking me up in the process, and he didn’t expect me to recognize him. Of course, what he didn’t know was that I had kept his cell phone number all those years. I just didn’t really have any need to delete it and I though it could come in handy eventually.

After some communication problems, because my cell phone has crappy reception in my house, we set up a meeting at the Kamara which is a great Ark in the middle of the town. What I didn’t expect was him having brought his girlfriend along, I heard someone on the phone and I thought it was a friend of his, but it turns out it was her. She just has a bass voice.
We met in 20 minutes and after a short stroll we settled down at the Bolivar cafe.

tasos-kwstas-1.JPGMost of the time we talked either IT (he is a programmer and I am a sysadmin what did you expect) or made fun of powerfool. Powerfool (originally powerfull. Yes with the extra ‘l’) is a common friend that continuously gets into crazy schemes or develops plans to either score chicks or make money. This time he decided to perform a full body hair removal in order to play in music videos of μπουζουκοpop. This is obviously a scheme of the former category. This of course was just reason to start reciting his

older schemes 🙂


Now that I think of it, I haven’t seen Powerfool for at least 4 years as well. I just talk to him now and then through ICQ.

After the, quite expensive, coffee we decided to head out to eat some souvlakia and then split up. They’ll go to a movie afaik and then meet me at the X club that has a birthday party.

And the saga continues

The Network at my company is still down. We’ve been trying like mad to bring it up but with not success. In the end it was decided to set up the Active Directory from scratch. Problem of course is how to migrate our old schema in order to save time from having to create user entries once again.

Unfortunately the big problem is creating the exchange server again because the old database is basically fried. We can still access it but there is no chance to do a normal backup-export and then import again. We’ll have to do it through manual import of .pst files.

So I started setting up Windows 2000 servers and before I could even install the first update exploits have been exploited and holes have been opened. The first thing I have to do after setting up a new server is open the hosts file and remove the loopback addresses some worm has entered. Only then can I access the network.

Right now I’ve managed to have one server ready to become the new Domain Controller and another one ready to set up the new exchange server to test how it will work.

The IT director seems to think it was a malicious attack. I on the other hand believe it was some kind of virus using an exploit to destroy the AD infrastructure. Just a thing to cause mayhem. Unfortunately it seems to have worked excellently. Now I have to work 12 hours shifts to bring this whole thing under control again 🙁